Publication: Sanat Eleştirisi Bütüncül Yaklaşım İzleğine göre "Ölüler Adası" adlı eserin sanat eleştirisi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Sanat eleştirisinde “yapıt merkezli”, “alımlayıcı merkezli”, “sanatçı merkezli” ve “toplum merkezli” olmak üzere, 4 yaklaşım olduğu bilinmektedir. Bununla birlikte, sanat eleştirisinde “ikonografi” de diğer bir yaklaşım olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu yaklaşımların yanı sıra, sanat eleştirisini eser üretim tarihi merkeze alınarak tarihsel dönem, sanatçı ve sanat kuramları çerçevesinde geniş bir perspektiften bakılarak, bütüncül bir çerçevede, Sanat Eleştirisi Bütüncül Yaklaşım İzleği (SEBYİ) ile ele almak da mümkündür. SEBYİ, sanat eserinin üretim tarihini odak alarak, disiplinler arası bir bakışla ilgili dönemin özelliklerini ortaya koyarak, incelenecek esere geniş bir perspektiften bakılmasını sağlamaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı; bir sanat eserini mevcut yöntemleri de dikkate alarak, SEBYİ’ye dayalı olarak, bütüncül bir yaklaşımla sanatsal eleştirisini yapmaktır. Dolayısıyla bu araştırmada bir sanat eserinin eleştirisi SEBYİ’ye dayalı olarak yapılacak ve bu yolla, eser değerlendirilmesinde ilgili alana farklı bir yaklaşım getirilmeye çalışılacaktır. Bu amaçla, çalışmanın araştırma sorusu şöyle belirlenmiştir: “Arnold Böcklin'in Ölüler Adası adlı eserinin sanat eleştirisi, SEBYİ’ye dayalı olarak nasıl yapılabilir?” Bu araştırma, eser değerlendirilmesinde karma yöntem ile nitel araştırma yönteminde tarama tekniğinde betimleyici bir desen içermektedir. Bu amaçla, monografik örnekleme yöntemi ile SEBYİ’ye dayalı olarak araştırılacak eser belirlenmiştir. Araştırmadaki veriler SEBYİ ve doküman analiz tekniğiyle ilgili alan yazın taranarak toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonunda, Arnold Böcklin, "Ölüler Adası" adlı eserinin karma yöntem ve SEBYİ’ye dayalı olarak, bütüncül bir bakışla yapılan sanat eleştirisinde, ilgili eserin dönem Avrupa’sında İtalya ekseninden resim sanatının somut bir yansıması olduğu yargısına varılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, bütüncül bir yaklaşımla SEBYİ’ye dayalı yapılan bir sanat eleştirisinde incelenen eser hakkında özgün bir yargıya ulaşılabileceği ortaya konulmuş böylece, sanat eleştirisinde SEBYİ’nin kullanılması önerilmiştir.
It is generally known that there are four approaches in the art criticism: "artist-centered", "artwork-centered", "audiencecentered" and "society-centered". Beyond these approaches, however, "iconography" can also be counted as another approach in recent decades in the art criticism discipline. Additionally, it is possible to make a criticism by Art Criticism with the Holistic Approach Path in the other words as SEBYI in a holistic framework by taking the production of the artwork’s date to the center in the initial stage of the art criticism in a broad perspective. Thus, the Art Criticism with the Holistic Approach Path, SEBYİ with the art movements provides a wide interdisciplinary perspective about the related era of the artwork's production date to help the art criticism because of it present the most important parts of the history development process. In such condition, the SEBYI contains significant milestones in the human history. By this way, it is possible to investigate the artworks in the historical development, philosophy, physical sciences and the art movements predominantly. Thus, the aim of this study was to make the art criticism of an artwork with a holistic approach as based on the SEBYI with together existing methods as the artist-centered", "artwork-centered", "audience-centered", "society-centered" and the iconography. Therefore, the art criticism of the artwork in this study would be based on the SEBYI predominantly but it includes also traditional methods. In this way, a different approach can be brought an evaluation to the art discipline as related the art criticism literature. With this aim, the research question of this study was determined as follow: “How can make an art criticism of Arnold Böcklin's artwork named by ‘The Island of the Dead’ as based on the SEBYI?” This study includes a descriptive design in the qualitative research method with the evaluation of the artwork as a mixed method through literature review. For this purpose, the investigating of an artwork to be made art criticism predominantly based on the SEBYI and thus, it was selected the investigated the artwork with the monographic sampling method in the SEBYI. This study collected the data by reviewing the literature with document analysis technique and based on the SEBYI. During this study, it was reached data as related the artist who was Arnold Böcklin and his artwork as the name of the "The Island of the Dead", the art movements in related era, historical and sciences developments. The data in this study analyzed in accordance with the study subject and the related data directly with the research question was taken in the analysis selectively. In end of the art criticism as based on mixed method with SEBYİ as a holistic view, it was concluded that "The Island of the Dead", Arnold Böcklin's artwork, regarding the production date is a concrete reflection of the Europe's painting art from the Italy’s perspective. This study revealed that an original judgment could be reached about an artwork to be evaluated within the art criticism based on the SEBYI with a holistic approach; therefore, it was suggested to use the SEBYI in the art criticism.
It is generally known that there are four approaches in the art criticism: "artist-centered", "artwork-centered", "audiencecentered" and "society-centered". Beyond these approaches, however, "iconography" can also be counted as another approach in recent decades in the art criticism discipline. Additionally, it is possible to make a criticism by Art Criticism with the Holistic Approach Path in the other words as SEBYI in a holistic framework by taking the production of the artwork’s date to the center in the initial stage of the art criticism in a broad perspective. Thus, the Art Criticism with the Holistic Approach Path, SEBYİ with the art movements provides a wide interdisciplinary perspective about the related era of the artwork's production date to help the art criticism because of it present the most important parts of the history development process. In such condition, the SEBYI contains significant milestones in the human history. By this way, it is possible to investigate the artworks in the historical development, philosophy, physical sciences and the art movements predominantly. Thus, the aim of this study was to make the art criticism of an artwork with a holistic approach as based on the SEBYI with together existing methods as the artist-centered", "artwork-centered", "audience-centered", "society-centered" and the iconography. Therefore, the art criticism of the artwork in this study would be based on the SEBYI predominantly but it includes also traditional methods. In this way, a different approach can be brought an evaluation to the art discipline as related the art criticism literature. With this aim, the research question of this study was determined as follow: “How can make an art criticism of Arnold Böcklin's artwork named by ‘The Island of the Dead’ as based on the SEBYI?” This study includes a descriptive design in the qualitative research method with the evaluation of the artwork as a mixed method through literature review. For this purpose, the investigating of an artwork to be made art criticism predominantly based on the SEBYI and thus, it was selected the investigated the artwork with the monographic sampling method in the SEBYI. This study collected the data by reviewing the literature with document analysis technique and based on the SEBYI. During this study, it was reached data as related the artist who was Arnold Böcklin and his artwork as the name of the "The Island of the Dead", the art movements in related era, historical and sciences developments. The data in this study analyzed in accordance with the study subject and the related data directly with the research question was taken in the analysis selectively. In end of the art criticism as based on mixed method with SEBYİ as a holistic view, it was concluded that "The Island of the Dead", Arnold Böcklin's artwork, regarding the production date is a concrete reflection of the Europe's painting art from the Italy’s perspective. This study revealed that an original judgment could be reached about an artwork to be evaluated within the art criticism based on the SEBYI with a holistic approach; therefore, it was suggested to use the SEBYI in the art criticism.
Sanat eleştirisi, Sanat Eleştirisi Bütüncül Yaklaşım İzleği (SEBYİ), Arnold Böcklin, Ölüler Adası, Art criticism, Art Criticism Holistic Approach Path (SEBYI), The Island of the Dead