Publication: Kuveykırlar ve İsrail-Filistin çatışması
Özbaş, Mustafa
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
7 Ekim 2023’te Hamas’ın saldırılarıyla başlayan, İsrail’in orantısız güç kullanımıyla süren Gazze’deki savaş ürkütücü seviyelere ulaşmıştır. Birçok Batılı kentte ağırlıklı olarak göçmenlerin katılımıyla protesto eylemleri vuku bulsa da genel olarak Batı kamuoyunun İsrail’in Gazze’de yarattığı vahşete ilgisiz kaldığı söylenebilir. Bu makale, istisnai bir duruş sergileyen bir dinî grup olarak Kuveykırların özel olarak İsrail-Filistin Savaşı, genel olarak da ‘savaş-şiddet’ karşısındaki tutumlarını incelemeyi amaçlamakta ve anlamaya çalışmaktadır. Buna uygun olarak, önce Kuveykırlık ve kurucu ismi olan George Fox hakkında genel bir giriş yapacak, sonra Kuveykırların “İçsel Işık” anlayışları ve “Barış Şahitliği” prensiplerini analiz edecektir. Son olarak da Kuveykırların sözkonusu savaşla ilgili yaklaşık yüz yıllık faaliyetlerine odaklanarak Batı uygarlığı içinde Kuveykırlığın, konuya dair istisnaîliği argümanını temellendirmeye çalışacaktır.
The war in Gaza, which started with the attacks of Hamas on October 7, 2023, and continued with the disproportionate use of force by Israel, has reached frightening levels. Although protests took place in many Western cities, mainly with the participation of immigrants, it can be said that the Western public generally remained indifferent to the brutality caused by Israel in Gaza. This article aims to examine and try to understand the attitudes of the Quakers, as a religious group with an exceptional stance, towards the Israel-Palestine War in particular and ‘war-violence’ in general. In accordance with this purpose, the article will first give a general introduction about the Quakers and its founder, George Fox, and then analyze the Quakers’ understanding of “Inner Light” and “Peace Testimony” principles. Finally, the article will try to ground the argument of the exceptionality of the Quakers within Western civilization by focusing on the actual attitudes and activities of the Quakers regarding the war in question for nearly a century.
The war in Gaza, which started with the attacks of Hamas on October 7, 2023, and continued with the disproportionate use of force by Israel, has reached frightening levels. Although protests took place in many Western cities, mainly with the participation of immigrants, it can be said that the Western public generally remained indifferent to the brutality caused by Israel in Gaza. This article aims to examine and try to understand the attitudes of the Quakers, as a religious group with an exceptional stance, towards the Israel-Palestine War in particular and ‘war-violence’ in general. In accordance with this purpose, the article will first give a general introduction about the Quakers and its founder, George Fox, and then analyze the Quakers’ understanding of “Inner Light” and “Peace Testimony” principles. Finally, the article will try to ground the argument of the exceptionality of the Quakers within Western civilization by focusing on the actual attitudes and activities of the Quakers regarding the war in question for nearly a century.
Kuveykırlar, İçsel ışık, Barış şahitliği, İsrail-Filistin Savaşı, Dinler tarihi, Din sosyolojisi, Quakers, Inner light, Peace testimony, Israel-Palestine War, History of religions, Sociology of religion