Publication: Toplum sözleşmesi teorilerine Hegel’in eleştirisi
Batı’nın tarihsel dinamiklerinin yol açtığı dönüşüm, devlet anlayışına da sirayet ederek modern devlete giden süreci başlatmıştır. On beşinci yüzyıldan itibaren etkisini iyice hissettiren modern devletin kökenini ve işleyişini açıklamada toplum sözleşmesi teorileri önemli bir yer edinmiştir. O dönemdeki başlıca temsilcileri arasında Hobbes, Locke ve Rousseau’nun yer aldığı toplum sözleşmecileri sivil/siyasal toplumu oluşturan metodolojik soyut birey ile devlet arasındaki bağı kurmak için otoritenin olmadığı bir doğa durumu kurgusuna başvurmuşlardır. Toplum sözleşmeci düşünürler, kendi içlerinde farklılaşsalar da kurgusal birey anlayışları ve doğa durumu, toplum sözleşmesine yönelik eleştirilerin önemli bir kısmını oluşturmuştur. Hegel’in toplum sözleşmesi geleneğine eleştirisi de büyük ölçüde bu yöndedir. Onun özgünlüğü, kendi tarih ve siyaset felsefesi ile bağlantılı bir şekilde toplum sözleşmesi teorilerinin birey ve toplum, doğa durumu ve devlet arasında oluşturduğu yapay ikiliklere bütünsel bir bakış açısı ile karşı koymasıdır. Hegel’in eleştirileri, birey, doğal hukuk, özgürlük, sivil toplum ve devlet kavramlarına bakış açısını ve sivil toplum/devlet ilişkisinde aldığı konumu değerlendirmeyi gerektirmektedir.
The transformation caused by the historical dynamics of the West gave direction to the understanding of the state and started the process leading to the modern state. Social contract theories have taken an important place in explaining the origin and functioning of the modern state, which has had its influence since the fifteenth century. Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau were among the main social contract theorists of that period. They resorted to a state of nature construct where there is no authority in order to establish the link between the state and the methodological abstract individual that constitutes the civil/political society. Although the opinions of the social contract theorists differ between themselves, their theoretical understanding of the individual and the state of nature have formed an important part of the criticisms of the social contract. Hegel's criticism of the social contract tradition is largely in this direction. In connection with his historical and political philosophy, Hegel's originality stems from his opposition to the artificial dichotomies created by social contract theories between the individual and society, the state of nature and the state, with a holistic perspective. Hegel's criticisms require an evaluation of his perspective on the concepts of individual, natural law, freedom, civil society and the state and the position he has taken in the civil society/state relationship.
The transformation caused by the historical dynamics of the West gave direction to the understanding of the state and started the process leading to the modern state. Social contract theories have taken an important place in explaining the origin and functioning of the modern state, which has had its influence since the fifteenth century. Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau were among the main social contract theorists of that period. They resorted to a state of nature construct where there is no authority in order to establish the link between the state and the methodological abstract individual that constitutes the civil/political society. Although the opinions of the social contract theorists differ between themselves, their theoretical understanding of the individual and the state of nature have formed an important part of the criticisms of the social contract. Hegel's criticism of the social contract tradition is largely in this direction. In connection with his historical and political philosophy, Hegel's originality stems from his opposition to the artificial dichotomies created by social contract theories between the individual and society, the state of nature and the state, with a holistic perspective. Hegel's criticisms require an evaluation of his perspective on the concepts of individual, natural law, freedom, civil society and the state and the position he has taken in the civil society/state relationship.
Toplum sözleşmesi, Hegel, Birey, Doğal hukuk, Sivil toplum, Devlet, Social contract, Individual, Natural law, Civil society, State
Türkbay, R. A. (2023). "Toplum sözleşmesi teorilerine Hegel’in eleştirisi". Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 22(2), 593-622.