Publication: 19. yüzyıl Güney Afrika iktisat tarihi
Temizer, Nihal Cihan
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Güney Afrika ekonomisi çeşitli aşamalardan geçmiştir. İlk olarak Hollandalılar geçen gemilere yiyecek temin etmek amacı ile Güney Afrika’ya gelmişlerdir. Britanya’nın 1820'lerde Güney Afrika’yı işgal etmesindeki asıl amacı ise en kıymetli sömürgelerinden Hindistan’ın güvenliğini temin etmek olmuştur. Güney Afrika; Britanya işgalinden sonra sömürge ülkesi haline gelmiştir. Topraklarında üretim yaparak kendi kendine yetmeye çalışan yerliler, topraklarından zorla çıkarılarak ucuz işgücü olmaya zorlanmışlardır. Britanyalılar gemilerle gelerek burada sosyo-ekonomik bir yapı inşa etmeye çalışmıştır. Altın ve elmasın keşfi ile Britanya sermaye birikimini hızlandırmıştır. Ayrıca Güney Afrika’ya sonradan gelenler, yerliler ve siyahilere ırkçılık yapmıştır. Çalışma ve yaşam koşulları beyazların çok daha gerisinde kalmıştır. Çalışmada tüm bu dönüşümler yerli ve yabancı literatür taranarak detaylı şekilde ele alınmıştır.
The South African economy has gone through several phases. First of all, the Dutch came to South Africa toprovide food for passing ships. The main purpose of the British occupation of South Africa in the 1820s was toensure the security of India, one of its most valuable colonies. It became a colonial country after the Britishoccupation. The natives who produce on their lands trying to be self-sufficient were forced out of their lands andforced to become cheap labor. The British came by ships and tried to build a socio-economic structure here. Withthe discovery of gold and diamonds, Britain accelerated its capital accumulation. In addition, racism was madeagainst the settlers who came to South Africa later. Working and living conditions lagged far behind whites. Inresponse, blacks resisted. In the study, all these transformations were discussed in detail by scanning domesticand foreign literature.
The South African economy has gone through several phases. First of all, the Dutch came to South Africa toprovide food for passing ships. The main purpose of the British occupation of South Africa in the 1820s was toensure the security of India, one of its most valuable colonies. It became a colonial country after the Britishoccupation. The natives who produce on their lands trying to be self-sufficient were forced out of their lands andforced to become cheap labor. The British came by ships and tried to build a socio-economic structure here. Withthe discovery of gold and diamonds, Britain accelerated its capital accumulation. In addition, racism was madeagainst the settlers who came to South Africa later. Working and living conditions lagged far behind whites. Inresponse, blacks resisted. In the study, all these transformations were discussed in detail by scanning domesticand foreign literature.
Güney Afrika, Irkçılık, Toprak, Çiftçilik, Emek, South Africa, Racism, Land, Farming, Labour
Temizer, N. C. (2023). "19. yüzyıl Güney Afrika iktisat tarihi". Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 42(1), 85-95.