Publication: Bir bilgelik eğitimi olarak çocuklarla felsefe
Dirican, Rabia
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Amacı ve nihayetinde bir felsefe etkinliği olan çocuklarla felsefe, bilgelik anlayışından uzak tutulmaması, kadim kökleri ile daim bir irtibat üzere kurulması gereken bir eğitim çeşididir. Ancak mevcut duruma bakıldığında çocuklarla felsefenin çoğunlukla pozitivist bir bilim anlayışı ile çalışıldığı görülmektedir. Felsefenin kavram olarak içinde barındırdığı bilgelik sevgisi anlayışını amaç edinen, felsefe tarihinden ve kültürel temellerden güç alan bir çocuklarla felsefe algısının inşasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bundan da önce -felsefe tarihinde Platon’un akademisi, Pithagoras okulu ya da Farabi’nin eserleri- gibi muhtelif metinlerde rastlandığı üzere, felsefe yapmanın bazı önkoşullarının olduğu fikri model alınarak çocuk seviyesinden beklenebilecek güçlükte ön koşulların oluşturulması elzemdir. Modern çağın helikopter anne babaları tarafından yetiştirilen kırılgan çocukların önce felsefeye hazırlanması gerektiği, bunun da konfor alanından çıkarak varoluşsal sorumluluklarını çocuğa tekrar vermekle mümkün olacağı düşünülmektedir. Çocuklara ‘aklını kullanma cesareti’ ve kendi kararlarını alarak kendi düşüncelerini üretebilme sorumluluğunu vermek, ebeveynlerin zihnindeki ‘bakıma her zaman muhtaç’ çocuk algısını tekrar irdeleyerek çocukların özerk olabileceği bir zemin inşa etmek, çocuklarla felsefenin en verimli şekilde amacına ulaşabilmesi için neredeyse bir zorunluluktur. Öte yandan teorik yapı çalışmalarında çocuklarla felsefenin çocukların yaratıcılığına etkisi, duygusal zekayı, problem çözme becerilerini geliştirmeye etkisi vb. dar kalıplardan çıkılarak bilgelik sevgisi ve arayışının içinde barındırdığı ‘kendini bilmek’, ‘erdemli olmak’ gibi derin amaçların peşine düşmek, felsefeyi eğitimde araçsallaştırmayı engelleyebilecektir.
Philosophy with children, whose purpose and ultimately is a philosophy activity, is a kindof education that should not be kept away from the understanding of wisdom and should beestablished in order to have a constant connection with its ancient roots. However, when we look atthe current situation, it is seen that philosophy with children is mostly studied with a positivistunderstanding. There is a need to build a perception of philosophy with children that aims at thelove of wisdom contained in philosophy as a concept, draws strength from the history of philosophyand cultural foundations. Before that, -such as Plato's academy, the Pythagorean school or Farabi’sworks have some prerequisites- it is essential to create prerequisites for the difficulties that can beexpected from the child level. It is thought that fragile children raised by helicopter parents of themodern era should be prepared for philosophy first. it is thought that this will be possible bystepping out of the comfort zone and giving existential responsibilities to the child again. Givingchildren the ‘courage to use their minds’ and the responsibility to have their own thoughts bymaking their own decisions, building a ground where children can be autonomous by re-examiningthe perception of children ‘always in need of care’ in the minds of parents, is almost a necessity forphilosophy with children to achieve its goal in the most efficient way. On the other hand, intheoretical structure studies, the effect of philosophy with children on children's creativity, theeffect on improving emotional intelligence, problem solving skills, etc. getting out of narrowpatterns and pursuing deep goals such as ‘self-knowledge’, ‘being virtuous’, which are contained inthe love and search for wisdom, will prevent the instrumentalization of philosophy in education.
Philosophy with children, whose purpose and ultimately is a philosophy activity, is a kindof education that should not be kept away from the understanding of wisdom and should beestablished in order to have a constant connection with its ancient roots. However, when we look atthe current situation, it is seen that philosophy with children is mostly studied with a positivistunderstanding. There is a need to build a perception of philosophy with children that aims at thelove of wisdom contained in philosophy as a concept, draws strength from the history of philosophyand cultural foundations. Before that, -such as Plato's academy, the Pythagorean school or Farabi’sworks have some prerequisites- it is essential to create prerequisites for the difficulties that can beexpected from the child level. It is thought that fragile children raised by helicopter parents of themodern era should be prepared for philosophy first. it is thought that this will be possible bystepping out of the comfort zone and giving existential responsibilities to the child again. Givingchildren the ‘courage to use their minds’ and the responsibility to have their own thoughts bymaking their own decisions, building a ground where children can be autonomous by re-examiningthe perception of children ‘always in need of care’ in the minds of parents, is almost a necessity forphilosophy with children to achieve its goal in the most efficient way. On the other hand, intheoretical structure studies, the effect of philosophy with children on children's creativity, theeffect on improving emotional intelligence, problem solving skills, etc. getting out of narrowpatterns and pursuing deep goals such as ‘self-knowledge’, ‘being virtuous’, which are contained inthe love and search for wisdom, will prevent the instrumentalization of philosophy in education.
Çocuklarla felsefe, Çocuklar için felsefe, Felsefe, Eğitim, Bilgelik, Philosophy with children, Philosophy for children, Philosophy, Education, Wisdom
Dirican, R. (2023). "Bir bilgelik eğitimi olarak çocuklarla felsefe". Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 22(3), 34-58.