Publication: Pineal bölge tümörleri: Tek merkez deneyimi
Özşen, Mine
Tolunay, Sahsine
Yılmazlar, Selçuk
Bekar, Ahmet
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Yetişkinlerde tüm intrakraniyal tümörlerin %1'inden azını, pediatrik grupta ise %3-11'ini oluşturan pineal bölge tümörleri oldukça heterojen bir gruptur. Bölgenin tümör ve lezyonlarını genel bir başlık altında toplayarak dört gruba ayırmak mümkündür. Bunlar germ hücreleri tümörler, pineal parankimal tümörler ve glioma gibi komşu yapılardan kaynaklanan tümörler ve diğerleri şeklindedir. Çalışmamıza merkezimizde 2005-2020 yılları arasında opere edilmiş tüm pineal bölge tümörleri dahil edildi. Olguların demografik bilgileri, ön tanı, tümör çapı, klinik ve radyolojik bilgileri, sağkalım durumu, nüks varlığı ve son kontrol tarihleri hastane veritabanından ve patoloji raporlarından elde edildi. Çalışmaya dahil edilen olgulara ait hematoksilen eozin boyalı preparatlar ile mevcutsa immünohistokimyasal ve histokimyasal çalışma yapılan preparatlar histopatolojik tanı ve grade açısından yeniden değerlendirildi. Olguların histopatolojik değerlendirmesinde 6 (%22,2) olgu menengioma, 5 (%18,5) olgu pineoblastoma, 4 (%14,8) olgu pineositoma, 2 (%7,4) olgu pineal bölgenin papiller tümörü, 2 (%7,4) olgu orta derecede farklılaşma gösteren pineal parankimal tümör, 2 (%7,4) olgu glioblastoma, 2 (%7,4) olgu germ hücreli tümör (germinoma ve matür kistik teratoma), 1 (%3,7) olgu oligodenrioglioma, 1 (%3,7) olgu pilositik astrositoma, 1 (%3,7) olgu metastatik karsinoma ve 1 (%3,7) olgu gliozis ve hemosiderin pigment birikimi şeklinde tanı aldı. Pineal bölge çeşitli benign ve malign natürde tümörlerin gözlenebildiği özel bir lokalizasyondur. Histopatolojik değerlendirme yapılmadan önce mutlaka olgunun klinik, laboratuvar ve radyolojik verilerine hakim olunmalıdır. Mikroskobik değerlendirme bölgenin sahip olduğu geniş tanı yelpazesi göz önünde bulundurularak, yapılmalı ve gerekli durumlarda immünohistokimyasal ve histokimyasal çalışmalardan yardım alınmalıdır.
Tumors of pineal region constitute less than 1% of all intracranial tumors in adults and 3 -11% in the pediatric patients. The tumors of this region can be divided into four groups as germ cells tumors, pineal parenchymal tumors and tumors originat ing from neighboring structures such as gliomas and others. The study includes pineal region tumors diagnosed in our center between 2005 and 2020. Demographi cinformation, pre-diagnosis, tumor size, clinical and radiological information, presence of recurrence, survival status, and last follow-up dates were obtained from the hospital database and pathology reports. Hematoxylin-eosin stained slides and if available, immunohistochemicallyand histochemically stained slides were re-evaluated in terms of histopathological diagnosis and grade. Histopathological diagnosis of 6 (22.2%) cases were meningioma, 5 (18.5%) were pineoblastoma, 4 (14.8%) were pineocytoma, 2 (7.4%) were papillary tumor of the pinealregion, 2 (7.4%) were pineal parenchymal tumor with intermediate differentiation, 2 (7.4%) were glioblastoma, 2 (7.4%) were germ celltumor (germinoma and mature cystic teratoma), 1 (3.7%) was oligodenrioglioma, 1 (3.7%) was pilocytic astrocytoma, 1 (3.7%) was metastatic carcinoma and 1 (3.7%) case was gliosis and hemosiderin pigment accumulation. The pineal region is a distinctive area whe revarious benign and malignant tumors occur. Before performing histopathological evaluation, the clinical, laboratory and radio logicalinformation of patients should be taken into consideration. The wide diagnostic spectrum of the region must be kept in mind and aid from immunohistochemical and histochemical studies should be obtained when necessary.
Tumors of pineal region constitute less than 1% of all intracranial tumors in adults and 3 -11% in the pediatric patients. The tumors of this region can be divided into four groups as germ cells tumors, pineal parenchymal tumors and tumors originat ing from neighboring structures such as gliomas and others. The study includes pineal region tumors diagnosed in our center between 2005 and 2020. Demographi cinformation, pre-diagnosis, tumor size, clinical and radiological information, presence of recurrence, survival status, and last follow-up dates were obtained from the hospital database and pathology reports. Hematoxylin-eosin stained slides and if available, immunohistochemicallyand histochemically stained slides were re-evaluated in terms of histopathological diagnosis and grade. Histopathological diagnosis of 6 (22.2%) cases were meningioma, 5 (18.5%) were pineoblastoma, 4 (14.8%) were pineocytoma, 2 (7.4%) were papillary tumor of the pinealregion, 2 (7.4%) were pineal parenchymal tumor with intermediate differentiation, 2 (7.4%) were glioblastoma, 2 (7.4%) were germ celltumor (germinoma and mature cystic teratoma), 1 (3.7%) was oligodenrioglioma, 1 (3.7%) was pilocytic astrocytoma, 1 (3.7%) was metastatic carcinoma and 1 (3.7%) case was gliosis and hemosiderin pigment accumulation. The pineal region is a distinctive area whe revarious benign and malignant tumors occur. Before performing histopathological evaluation, the clinical, laboratory and radio logicalinformation of patients should be taken into consideration. The wide diagnostic spectrum of the region must be kept in mind and aid from immunohistochemical and histochemical studies should be obtained when necessary.
Glioma, Patoloji, Pineal bez, Pineal bölge, Pathology, Pineal gland, Pineal region
Özşen, M. vd. (2023). "Pineal bölge tümörleri: Tek merkez deneyimi". Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 49(3), 343-348.