Publication: Dardagny’de bir köy sokağı Camille Corot
Çetin, Ufuk
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Makale Fransız ressam Jean Baptiste Camille Corot’nun “Dardagny’de Bir Köy Sokağı” isimli çalışması üzerinedir. Resim her ne kadar İsviçre’de bir köy sokağını gösterse de bu köy sokağı aslında görünüm olarak tipik bir Türk köyü sokağı gibidir. İlginç bir durum olarak dikkat çeken bu konuda makale bu benzerliğin sebebini ikonolojik olarak araştırmaktadır. Corot oryantal bir ressam hiç olmamış, seyahatlerinde Roma’nın ötesine hiç geçmemiş ve Türkiye’de hiç bulunmamış ama bir Türk köyü sokağını âdeta İsviçre köy sokağı olarak resmetmiştir. Corot, gezilerinde ve stüdyodaki çalışmalarında “gerçek resim” arayışında, hayatı boyunca sonsuz bir araştırmacı olmuş, gezilerini ve doğayı işinin merkezine almıştır. Ayrıca 19. yüzyılın en büyük manzara resmi ustalarından biri olarak sürekli merak uyandırmıştır. Sanat hayatı “Dardagny’de Bir Köy Sokağı” isimli tablosu üzerinden sunulmaya çalışarak bazı farklı eserlerinden örnekler de paylaşılmıştır.
This article is about French painter Jean Baptiste Camille Corot’s work titled “A Village Street in Dardagny”. Although his painting shows a village street in Switzerland, the village street actually looks like a typical Turkish village street in appearance. The article, as an interesting situation investigates the reason for this similarity iconologically. Corot was not an Oriental painter. He painted almost a Turkish village street as a Swiss village street. In his travels, he did not go to beyond and had never been to Turkey. Moreover, in his studio paintings and travels he looked for real painting, became limitless painter. Besides, he focused on nature in his paintings. He was wondered as one of the great painters at the 19th century painters. Some examples of different works presented through the painting named “A Village Street in Dardagny” were also shared in the article.
This article is about French painter Jean Baptiste Camille Corot’s work titled “A Village Street in Dardagny”. Although his painting shows a village street in Switzerland, the village street actually looks like a typical Turkish village street in appearance. The article, as an interesting situation investigates the reason for this similarity iconologically. Corot was not an Oriental painter. He painted almost a Turkish village street as a Swiss village street. In his travels, he did not go to beyond and had never been to Turkey. Moreover, in his studio paintings and travels he looked for real painting, became limitless painter. Besides, he focused on nature in his paintings. He was wondered as one of the great painters at the 19th century painters. Some examples of different works presented through the painting named “A Village Street in Dardagny” were also shared in the article.
19. yüzyıl ressamları, Fransız ressamlar, Manzara resmi, Corot, French painters, Dardagny, Landscape painting
Çetin, U. (2024). ''Dardagny’de bir köy sokağı Camille Corot''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 25(46), 117-132.