Publication: Amfizematöz piyelonefrit: Olgu sunumu
Amfizematöz piyelonefrit, bağışıklığı baskılanmış (çoğunlukla diyabetik hastalarda) ve üriner obstrüksiyonu olan hastalarda gelişen, hayatı tehdit eden, çok yüksek oranda böbrek kaybı ve mortalite ile ilişkili nekrotizan tipte ciddi bir piyelonefrittir. Yazımızda, kliniğimizde öncelikle konservatif yöntemler ile tedavi edilen fakat sonrasında nefrektomi yapılan amfizematöz piyelonefrit hastasının klinik detaylarını, izlenilen tedavi sürecini ve sürecin sonuçlarını sunmayı hedefledik.
Emphysmatous pyelonephritis is a serious pyelonephritis of a necrotizing type associated with life-threatening, very high renal loss and mortality, which is developed in immunocompromised (mostly diabetic patients) and patients with urinary obstruction. In our case, we aimed to present the clinical details of the amphizematous pyelonephritis patient, who was treated primarily with conservative methods in our clinic but then nephrectomy, the treatment process followed and the results of the process.
Emphysmatous pyelonephritis is a serious pyelonephritis of a necrotizing type associated with life-threatening, very high renal loss and mortality, which is developed in immunocompromised (mostly diabetic patients) and patients with urinary obstruction. In our case, we aimed to present the clinical details of the amphizematous pyelonephritis patient, who was treated primarily with conservative methods in our clinic but then nephrectomy, the treatment process followed and the results of the process.
Böbrek, Piyelonefrit, Amfizematöz piyelonefrit, Nefrektomi, Apse, Drenaj, Kidney, Pyelonephritis, Emphysmatous pyelonephritis, Nephrectomy, Abscess, Drainage
Karadağ, O. B. vd. (2023). ''Amfizematöz piyelonefrit: Olgu sunumu''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 49(2), 277-281.