Publication: Havari Yudas Tomas’ın İnci İlahisi’nde gnostik düalizm
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Apokrif “Tomas’ın İşleri” kitabında “Hintliler ülkesinde havari Yudas Tomas’ın ilahisi” başlıklı bir metin öteden beri Gnostisizm araştırmaları açısından dikkat çekici olmuştur. İçinde yer aldığı kitabın genel anlatısından bağımsız bir içerik taşıyan bu metin, ilahi tarzıyla ve Gnostisizmin birçok karakteristik özelliğini hatırlatan içeriğiyle tartışılmaktadır. Çeşitli araştırıcılar, her ne kadar metin içinde yer aldığı kitabın genel temasından bağımsız bir görünüm arz etse de bu ilahinin Hıristiyan teolojisi ve kurtuluş öğretisi bağlamında bir anlam yükü taşıdığı kanaatindedirler. Diğer taraftan birçok Gnostisizm araştırıcısı ise bu ilahinin erken dönem Gnostisizmini yansıtan önemli bir metin olduğu düşüncesindedir. İçeriğinden hareketle “İnci İlahisi” ya da “Ruh ilahisi” ismiyle adlandırılan metnin kökenine, ait olduğu kültür dünyasına ve muhtevasında yer alan temaların karakteristik özelliklerine yönelik olarak da çeşitli görüşler ileri sürülmektedir. Bu çalışma, genelde “İnci İlahisi” adıyla meşhur olan bu metni Gnostisizmin karakteristik özelliklerinden birisi olan Gnostik düalizmin var olup olmadığı sorunundan hareketle ele alacak ve özellikle Sabii literatüründeki Gnostik öğretilere paralelliğine dikkat çekecektir. İnci İlahisi’nin, süflî alemde tutsak olan incinin kurtarılması temasına dayalı olarak erken dönem Hıristiyan Gnostisizmi bünyesinde Gnostik düalizmi ve kurtuluş öğretisini esas alan bir metin olduğu bu çalışmanın ana tezini oluşturmaktadır.
A text entitled "The Hymn of Judas Thomas the Apostle in the country of the Indians" in the apocryphal "The Acts of Thomas" has long been noticeable for the study of Gnosticism. This text, which has a content independent of the general narrative of the book in which it appears, has been discussed for its hymn-like structure and content that recalls many characteristic features of Gnosticism. Various scholars are of the opinion that this hymn carries a burden of meaning in the context of Christian theology and doctrine of salvation, even though it is independent of the general theme of the book in which it appears. On the other hand, many scholars of Gnosticism believe that this hymn is an important text reflecting early Gnosticism. Various opinions have been put forward regarding the origin of the text, which is called “the Hymn of the Pearl" or “the Hymn of the Soul" based on its content, the cultural world to which it belongs, and the characteristics of the themes in its content. This study will examine the text, generally known as the "the Hymn of the Pearl", with reference to the question of whether Gnostic dualism, one of the characteristic features of Gnosticism exists, and will draw attention to its parallelism with the Gnostic doctrines in the Mandaean literature. The main thesis of this study is that the Hymn of the Pearl of which main theme is the salvation of the pearl, that is captive in the world of darkness, is a text within early Christian Gnosticism based on Gnostic dualism and the doctrine of salvation.
A text entitled "The Hymn of Judas Thomas the Apostle in the country of the Indians" in the apocryphal "The Acts of Thomas" has long been noticeable for the study of Gnosticism. This text, which has a content independent of the general narrative of the book in which it appears, has been discussed for its hymn-like structure and content that recalls many characteristic features of Gnosticism. Various scholars are of the opinion that this hymn carries a burden of meaning in the context of Christian theology and doctrine of salvation, even though it is independent of the general theme of the book in which it appears. On the other hand, many scholars of Gnosticism believe that this hymn is an important text reflecting early Gnosticism. Various opinions have been put forward regarding the origin of the text, which is called “the Hymn of the Pearl" or “the Hymn of the Soul" based on its content, the cultural world to which it belongs, and the characteristics of the themes in its content. This study will examine the text, generally known as the "the Hymn of the Pearl", with reference to the question of whether Gnostic dualism, one of the characteristic features of Gnosticism exists, and will draw attention to its parallelism with the Gnostic doctrines in the Mandaean literature. The main thesis of this study is that the Hymn of the Pearl of which main theme is the salvation of the pearl, that is captive in the world of darkness, is a text within early Christian Gnosticism based on Gnostic dualism and the doctrine of salvation.
Gnostisizm, Yudas Thomas, Gnostik düalizm, Erken Dönem Hıristiyan Gnostisizmi, Işık alemi, Karanlık alemi, Dinler tarihi, İnci İlahisi, the Hymn of the Pearl, Gnosticism, Judas Thomas, Gnostic dualism, Early Christian gnosticism, World of light, World of darkness, History of religions
Gündüz, Ş. (2023). “Havari Yudas Tomas’ın İnci İlahisi’nde gnostik düalizm”. Oksident, 5(2), 109-137.