Publication: Bilinç problemine sentezci bir yaklaşım: Nörofenomenoloji
Zihin felsefesinin çetin problemlerinden olan bilince yönelik olarak bilincin öznel karakterinin bilimsel olarak açıklanamaz olduğunu kabul eden düalist ve idealist yaklaşımlar ile bilincin fiziksel olana indirgenebilir olduğunu savunan fizikalizm arasında orta yolu işaret eden nadir bir bakış açısı nörofenomenolojidir. Nörofenomenoloji, deneyime yönelik öznel bildirimleri, nörobilimsel yöntemleri kullanarak analiz etmeyi hedeflerken; öznel-nesnel karşıtlığını bedenlenmiş eylem görüşüyle aşmaya çalışan enaktif (varlık-oluşturucu) yaklaşımı temele almaktadır. Felsefi fenomenolojide köklerini bulabileceğimiz bedenlenmiş biliş yaklaşımından hareketle, deneyim ve dış dünya arasındaki süreklilik ilişkisini betimleyen nörofenomenolojik yaklaşım, çeşitli meditasyon teknikleri ile deneyimlerini dışsal etkilerden arındırabilen deneklerden elde edilen nöral görüntüleme verilerini kullanarak öznel deneyimin doğasını soruşturmayı yöntem olarak benimsemektedir. Nörofenomenolojinin amacı fenomenolojik deneyim üzerine sistematik ve kurallara dayalı araştırmalar yoluyla daha zengin birinci şahıs verileri elde etmek ve bu birinci şahıs verilerini nöral süreçler hakkında yeni üçüncü şahıs verilerini ortaya çıkarmak için kullanmaktır. Bu çalışmada, ilk olarak nörofenomenolojinin felsefi temelleri üzerine bir inceleme yapılmakta, ardından nörofenomenolojik yaklaşımın hedefleri ve sunduğu yöntem önerisi değerlendirilmekte ve son olarak, bu yaklaşımın bilinç problemine yönelik geçerli bir çözüm önerisi olarak ele alınıp alınamayacağı tartışılmaktadır.
Neurophenomenology is an unusual perspective regarding consciousness, which is one of the challenging problems of the philosophy of mind. It points to a midway point between dualist and idealist approaches, accepting the subjective character of consciousness as scientifically inexplicable, and physicalism, arguing that consciousness is reducible to the physical. Neurophenomenology aims to analyze subjective reports of experience using neuroscientific methods and is based on an enactive approach that tries to overcome the subjective-objective dichotomy by means of the notion of embodied action. Based on the embodied cognition approach, which has its roots in philosophical phenomenology, the neurophenomenological approach describes the state of continuity between experience and the external world, and uses neural imaging data obtained from subjects who are able to purify their experiences from external influences through various meditation techniques to investigate the nature of subjective experience. The aim of neurophenomenology is to obtain enriched first-person data through systematic and rule-based investigations of phenomenological experience and to use this first-person data to reveal new third-person data about neural processes. In this paper, firstly, the philosophical foundations of neurophenomenology are reviewed, then the goals of the neurophenomenological approach and its proposed methodology are evaluated, and finally, it is discussed whether this approach can be considered as a legitimate solution to the problem of consciousness.
Neurophenomenology is an unusual perspective regarding consciousness, which is one of the challenging problems of the philosophy of mind. It points to a midway point between dualist and idealist approaches, accepting the subjective character of consciousness as scientifically inexplicable, and physicalism, arguing that consciousness is reducible to the physical. Neurophenomenology aims to analyze subjective reports of experience using neuroscientific methods and is based on an enactive approach that tries to overcome the subjective-objective dichotomy by means of the notion of embodied action. Based on the embodied cognition approach, which has its roots in philosophical phenomenology, the neurophenomenological approach describes the state of continuity between experience and the external world, and uses neural imaging data obtained from subjects who are able to purify their experiences from external influences through various meditation techniques to investigate the nature of subjective experience. The aim of neurophenomenology is to obtain enriched first-person data through systematic and rule-based investigations of phenomenological experience and to use this first-person data to reveal new third-person data about neural processes. In this paper, firstly, the philosophical foundations of neurophenomenology are reviewed, then the goals of the neurophenomenological approach and its proposed methodology are evaluated, and finally, it is discussed whether this approach can be considered as a legitimate solution to the problem of consciousness.
Nörofenomenoloji, Fenomenoloji, Bilinç, Enaktif yaklaşım, Meditasyon, Neurophenomenology, Phenomenology, Consciousness, Enactive approach, Meditation
Doğan, M. (2023). ''Bilinç problemine sentezci bir yaklaşım: Nörofenomenoloji''. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 22(2), 705-734.