Publication: İznik Hisardere bazilikası mozaikleri
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bursa ili, İznik ilçe merkezinin beş km kuzeyinde yer alan Hisardere Nekropolü’nde, 2015 yılından itibaren çok sayıda lahit, sanduka ve oda mezar ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Kazılarda ortaya çıkarılan duvarlar ve mozaiklerin takibi sonucunda, 2021 yılında Hisardere Nekropolü’nün merkezinde bazilikal planlı bir kilise yapısına ait kalıntılara rastlanmıştır. Ayrıca jeofizik yöntemlerle yapılan incelemeler sonucunda, yapının batıya doğru devam ettiği ve muhtemel boyutlarının yaklaşık 30x35 m ve atriumla birlikte 30x70 m olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Böylece, Anadolu’daki en büyük bazilikalardan biri olarak literatürde yer alması gereken önemli bir yapıyla karşılaşılmıştır. Erken Hıristiyan Dönemi kültürünün en önemli temsilcilerinden biri olan İznik kentinde, bu denli görkemli bir yapının kent surlarının uzağındaki bir nekropol alanının içinde ve Roma Dönemi lahitlerinin üzerinde bulunması ender rastlanan bir durumdur. Kazılar sonucunda, bazilikanın orta nefinde geometrik motiflerle süslü mozaiklerin, yan neflerinde ise tuğla döşemelerin varlığı görülmektedir. Bazilika mozaiklerinin eşit boyutta dört farklı kompozisyona sahip panellerden oluştuğu belirlenmiştir. Fakat mozaiklerin yüzeye yakın olması ve bölgenin uzun yıllar tarımsal üretim amacıyla kullanılması gibi nedenlerle sadece üç panelin kompozisyonuyla ilgili bilgiler edinilebilmiştir. Bazilikanın mimari özellikleri, mozaiğin içeriğinin benzer örneklerle karşılaştırılması ve arkeolojik buluntular yardımıyla yapının İS 5.-6. yüzyıllara ait olduğu anlaşılmaktadır.
The sarcophagi and chamber tombs have been unearthed since 2015 in the Hisardere Necropolis, which is located five kilometres north of Iznik town centre. As a result of following the walls and mosaics, the remains of a basilical church were found in the centre of the Necropolis in 2021. In addition, it was determined that the structure continues to the west and its possible dimensions with the atrium are approximately 30x70 m owing to the geophysical research. Thus, one of the largest basilicas in Anatolia that should be included in the literature was encountered. A magnificent building which is found in a Roman Necropolis and outside the city walls is unique structure of the Early Christian Period in Iznik. As a result of the excavations, it has been found that the mosaic panels decorated with geometric motifs in the central nave of the Basilica and brick pavements in the side naves. Furthermore, it was determined that the Basilica mosaics consisted of panels with four different compositions of equal size. However, data on the composition of only three panels could be obtained due to the fact that the mosaics are close to the surface and the field has been used for agricultural production for many years. It is understood that the building belongs to the 5th - 6th centuries AD in consequence of the archaeological studies, architectural character and comparison with similar examples.
The sarcophagi and chamber tombs have been unearthed since 2015 in the Hisardere Necropolis, which is located five kilometres north of Iznik town centre. As a result of following the walls and mosaics, the remains of a basilical church were found in the centre of the Necropolis in 2021. In addition, it was determined that the structure continues to the west and its possible dimensions with the atrium are approximately 30x70 m owing to the geophysical research. Thus, one of the largest basilicas in Anatolia that should be included in the literature was encountered. A magnificent building which is found in a Roman Necropolis and outside the city walls is unique structure of the Early Christian Period in Iznik. As a result of the excavations, it has been found that the mosaic panels decorated with geometric motifs in the central nave of the Basilica and brick pavements in the side naves. Furthermore, it was determined that the Basilica mosaics consisted of panels with four different compositions of equal size. However, data on the composition of only three panels could be obtained due to the fact that the mosaics are close to the surface and the field has been used for agricultural production for many years. It is understood that the building belongs to the 5th - 6th centuries AD in consequence of the archaeological studies, architectural character and comparison with similar examples.
Öz, A. K. vd. (2023). İznik Hisardere bazilikası mozaikleri. Journal of Mosaic Research, 16, 303-314.