Publication: Amerikan fundamentalizminde televaizliğin önemi: Pat Robertson örneği
Abaydın, Huriye
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Fundamentalistler 20. asrın başında Amerika’daki evanjelikler arasında aşırı liberalleşmeye ve özellikle de Kutsal Kitap üzerinde yapılan yoğun kritiklere tepki olarak ortaya çıkan bir gruptur. İsimlerinin fundamentalist olarak anılması 20. yüzyıl başında yazılan The Fundamentals adlı eser sebebiyledir. Kutsal Kitap’ı literal olarak okuyan fundamentalistlerin ayırıcı bir özelliği de binyılcı anlayışa sahip olmalarıdır. Modernlik karşıtı bir hareket şeklinde ortaya çıkmalarına rağmen fundamentalistlerin modern dönemin önemli göstergelerinden medyayı çok iyi kullanmaları önceden olmayan televanjelist kavramını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu grup ilk başlarda radyo, daha sonra televizyon ve son dönemlerde interneti yetkin olarak kullanmıştır. Özellikle seyirciyle birlikte yapılan programlarda detaylı tasvirlerle Yeni Ahit okumaları, dua saatleri ve etkili vaazlar verilir. Bu kişiler arasında önde gelen bir isim Pat Robertson, kurduğu uydu ağıyla ve yaptığı kesintisiz yayınlarla kısa sürede büyük kitlelere ulaşmış ve Amerika’da dini yayıncılık alanında önemli bir isim olmuştur.
Fundamentalists are a group that arose among American evangelicals in the early 20th century as a reaction to extreme liberalization and especially intense criticism of the Bible. ey are called fundamentalists because of e Fundamentals, written at the beginning of the 20th century. A characteristic of fundamentalists who read the Bible literally is their millenarianism. Although they began as an anti-modernist movement, fundamentalists’ extensive use of the media, one of the most important indicators of modernity, gave rise to the previously unknown concept of televangelists. is group has been adept at using radio, then television, and more recently, the Internet. New Testament readings with detailed descriptions, prayer times, and effective sermons are given, especially in programs with an audience. Pat Robertson, a prominent figure among these people, reached large audiences quickly with his satellite network and his continuous broadcasts and became an important name in the field of religious broadcasting in America
Fundamentalists are a group that arose among American evangelicals in the early 20th century as a reaction to extreme liberalization and especially intense criticism of the Bible. ey are called fundamentalists because of e Fundamentals, written at the beginning of the 20th century. A characteristic of fundamentalists who read the Bible literally is their millenarianism. Although they began as an anti-modernist movement, fundamentalists’ extensive use of the media, one of the most important indicators of modernity, gave rise to the previously unknown concept of televangelists. is group has been adept at using radio, then television, and more recently, the Internet. New Testament readings with detailed descriptions, prayer times, and effective sermons are given, especially in programs with an audience. Pat Robertson, a prominent figure among these people, reached large audiences quickly with his satellite network and his continuous broadcasts and became an important name in the field of religious broadcasting in America
Dinler tarihi, Hıristiyanlık, Fundamentalizm, Pat Robertson, Televanjelizm, History of religions, Christianity, Fundamentalism, Televangelism