Publication: Charles Taylor’da içedönüklüğün kökenleri ve modern benlik kavrayışındaki yeri
Berke, Zeynep
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çağımızın en etkili düşünürlerinden biri olan Charles Taylor’ın felsefesi, modernitenin girift yapısına ışık tutan, derin ve ufuk açıcı bir iç görü ile karakterize olur. İçinde yaşadığımız entelektüel paradigmanın, açık ve örtük sayısız öğeyi barındıran, muazzam ölçüde karmaşık bir yapı olduğuna dikkat çeken Taylor’a göre, moderniteye ilişkin sağlıklı bir kavrayışa sahip olmanın yolu, tüm bu öğeleri -tarihsel arka planlarını da hesaba katmak suretiyle- titizlikle analiz etmektir. Nitekim Taylor, başyapıtı olarak görülen ‘Benliğin Kaynakları’ adlı eserinde modern bireylerin benlik algılarının ve ahlaki çerçevelerinin şekillenmesinde rol oynayan öğelerin gelişim sürecinin izini sürmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Taylor’ın “Benliğin Kaynakları”nda serimlediği ve felsefesinin bütünü içinde kritik öneme ve merkezi role sahip olan, içedönüklük analizini ortaya koymaktır. Ayrıca Taylor’ın modern bireyciliğin olumlu ve olumsuz yönlerine ilişkin tespitleri ve savunduğu sahicilik etiği anlayışı, modern içedönüklük analizi ile ilişkisi içinde tartışılacaktır.
The philosophy of Charles Taylor, one of the most influential thinkers of our time, is characterized by a profound and seminal insight into the intricate structure of modernity. Pointing out that the intellectual paradigm we live in is an enormously complex structure with a myriad of overt and covert elements, Taylor argues that the only way to have a sound understanding of modernity is to meticulously analyze all these elements -by taking their historical background into account as well. Indeed, in his masterpiece The Sources of the Self, Taylor takes a journey through the history of thought and traces the developmental process of the elements that play a role in shaping the selfperceptions and moral frameworks of modern individuals. The aim of this study is to present Taylor’s analysis of inwardness, which is laid out in The Sources of the Self and which plays a critical and central role in his philosophy as a whole. In addition, Taylor’s observations on the positive and negative aspects of modern individualism and the ethics of authenticity he advocates will be discussed in relation to his analysis of modern inwardness.
The philosophy of Charles Taylor, one of the most influential thinkers of our time, is characterized by a profound and seminal insight into the intricate structure of modernity. Pointing out that the intellectual paradigm we live in is an enormously complex structure with a myriad of overt and covert elements, Taylor argues that the only way to have a sound understanding of modernity is to meticulously analyze all these elements -by taking their historical background into account as well. Indeed, in his masterpiece The Sources of the Self, Taylor takes a journey through the history of thought and traces the developmental process of the elements that play a role in shaping the selfperceptions and moral frameworks of modern individuals. The aim of this study is to present Taylor’s analysis of inwardness, which is laid out in The Sources of the Self and which plays a critical and central role in his philosophy as a whole. In addition, Taylor’s observations on the positive and negative aspects of modern individualism and the ethics of authenticity he advocates will be discussed in relation to his analysis of modern inwardness.
Benlik, İçedönüklük, Modernite, Ahlak ilkeleri, Charles Taylor, Self, Inwardness, Modernity, Moral principles
Berke, Z. (2023). ''Charles Taylor’da içedönüklüğün kökenleri ve modern benlik kavrayışındaki yeri''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 25(46), 51-67.