Publication: Doğudan batıya yeni bir ışık: ortaçağ’da İspanya astronomisinin değişimi ve dönüşümü
Tağman, Süleyman Ertan
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Ortaçağ her ne kadar uzun bir süre bilimsel, kültürel ve felsefi anlamda karanlık bir dönem olarak adlandırılsa da, geçtiğimiz yüzyılda Duhem, Bernal, Gilson, Needham, Eco gibi düşünürlerin araştırmalarıyla, bu karanlığın bir nebze de olsa aydınlandığı söylenebilir. Bu çağın karanlık olarak adlandırılmasının iki temel nedeninden birincisi bu dönemde aydın[lığın] olmaması, ikinci neden ise gözlerin henüz bu karanlığa uyum sağlayamaması olabilir. Modern bilim paradigması ikinci nedenin temel müsebbibi gibi görünmektedir. Bu paradigmanın tüm bilim tarihini modern bilime doğru bir evrilme süreci olarak kabul etmesi ve akla dayalı olma, kuramlaştırma, nedensellik, sekülerlik, deneye ve gözleme dayalı olma gibi kriterleri temele alması Ortaçağ’a ilişkin yargının karanlık olarak adlandırılmasında etkin olmuştur. Bin yılı aşkın uzun bir zaman diliminde ve geniş bir coğrafyada yapılmış olan çalışmaların tamamının bu paradigmadan bağımsız şekilde değerlendirilme imkanı, Ortaçağ’a ilişkin yargının değişmesinde rol oynayabilir. Bunu yapma yollarından birisi de karanlık! Ortaçağ’ın merkezi olan Avrupa’daki tüm kültürlerin bu dönemde tamamıyla aynı süreci yaşayıp yaşamadığını belirlemeye çalışmaktır. Bu çalışmada İspanya’nın Ortaçağ’da bilim tarihine katkıları ve özellikle de astronomi alanındaki etkileri tartışılmıştır. Bunun için öncelikle İspanya’nın tarihsel süreci incelenmiş, astronomiye ilişkin genel tarihçe verilmiştir. Ardından Ortaçağ’da İspanya’nın genel karakteristiği özetlenmiş, modern bilim olarak adlandırdığımız sürece geçmeden önceki dönemlerde İspanya’da bilime özellikle de astronomiye olan ilginin nedenleri ortaya koyulmaya çalışılmış, ardından bilimsel devrime giden süreçte Müslüman ve Yahudi bilim insanlarının etkisinden bahsedilmiş ve İspanya’da modern bilime geçiş süreci incelenmiştir.
Although the Middle Ages is often referred to as a long period of darkness in scientific, cultural, and philosophical terms, it can be said that in the past century, through the research of thinkers such as Duhem, Bernal, Gilson, Needham, Eco, this darkness has been somewhat illuminated. The two main reasons for labeling this era as “dark” are the absence of enlightenment during this period, and the second reason may be that people’s eyes had not yet adapted to this darkness. The modern scientific paradigm seems to be a major contributor to the second reason. This paradigm’s acceptance of the entire history of science as a process of evolution toward modern science and its emphasis on criteria such as rationality, theorization, causality, secularism, and reliance on experimentation and observation have played a significant role in labeling the Middle Ages as “dark”. The possibility of evaluating all the work done over a thousand years in a wide geographic area independently of this paradigm may play a role in changing perceptions about the Middle Ages. One way to do this is to determine whether all the cultures in Europe, which was the center of the Middle Ages, went through the same process during this period. This study discusses Spain’s contributions to the history of science in the Middle Ages, especially its impact in the field of astronomy. To do this, the historical process of Spain is first examined, and a general overview of the history of astronomy is provided. Then, the general characteristics of Spain during the Middle Ages are summarized, and the reasons for the interest in science, especially astronomy, in Spain before the transition to what we call modern science are explored. Following that, the influence of Muslim and Jewish scientists in the process leading to the scientific revolution is discussed, and the transition to modern science in Spain is examined.
Although the Middle Ages is often referred to as a long period of darkness in scientific, cultural, and philosophical terms, it can be said that in the past century, through the research of thinkers such as Duhem, Bernal, Gilson, Needham, Eco, this darkness has been somewhat illuminated. The two main reasons for labeling this era as “dark” are the absence of enlightenment during this period, and the second reason may be that people’s eyes had not yet adapted to this darkness. The modern scientific paradigm seems to be a major contributor to the second reason. This paradigm’s acceptance of the entire history of science as a process of evolution toward modern science and its emphasis on criteria such as rationality, theorization, causality, secularism, and reliance on experimentation and observation have played a significant role in labeling the Middle Ages as “dark”. The possibility of evaluating all the work done over a thousand years in a wide geographic area independently of this paradigm may play a role in changing perceptions about the Middle Ages. One way to do this is to determine whether all the cultures in Europe, which was the center of the Middle Ages, went through the same process during this period. This study discusses Spain’s contributions to the history of science in the Middle Ages, especially its impact in the field of astronomy. To do this, the historical process of Spain is first examined, and a general overview of the history of astronomy is provided. Then, the general characteristics of Spain during the Middle Ages are summarized, and the reasons for the interest in science, especially astronomy, in Spain before the transition to what we call modern science are explored. Following that, the influence of Muslim and Jewish scientists in the process leading to the scientific revolution is discussed, and the transition to modern science in Spain is examined.
Astronomi, İspanya, Endülüs, Kilise, Ortaçağ, Middle ages, Astronomy, Spain, Al-andalus, Church
Ertan, T. S. (2023). ''Doğudan batıya yeni bir ışık: ortaçağ’da İspanya astronomisinin değişimi ve dönüşümü''. Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 22(2), 893-915.