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  • Publication
    Response of red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) to foliar applications of zinc
    (Taylor, 2021-02-21) Turhan, Ahmet; Kuşçu, Hayrettin; Özmen, Neşe; TURHAN, AHMET; KUŞÇU, HAYRETTİN; ÖZMEN, NEŞE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mustafakemalpaşa Meslek Yüksekokulu/Bitkisel ve Hayvansal Üretim Bölümü; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mustafakemalpaşa Meslek Yüksekokulu/Gıda İşleme Bölümü; 0000-0002-1976-8082; 0000-0001-9600-7685; AAH-4682-2021; AAG-5889-2021; AAG-5956-2021
    An open-field study considering the responses of red pepper plants to foliar applications of zinc (Zn) was conducted with the aim to understand its effect on fresh fruit yield (FFY) and paste yield (PY), and some physical and quality properties of the fruits. Four different doses of Zn (control 0.0%, 0.05%, 0.10% and 0.20%) were applied from the plant leaves as zinc sulfate (ZnSO4.7H(2)O). The effect of Zn applications on plant height (PH) and crop canopy percentage (CCP) was in a positive direction. The longest plants were obtained from 0.10% Zn application. Treatments of 0.10% and 0.20% Zn positively affected the weight (FW), diameter (FD) and height (FH) of pepper fruits, significantly increased compared to control. The highest FFYs were obtained from 0.10% and 0.20% Zn applied plants. PY increased 33% in response to 0.10% Zn treatment when compared with control. The highest fruit dry matter (DM) was obtained from both applications (0.10% and 0.20% Zn), while the highest soluble solids content (SSC) was determined at 0.20% Zn application. These results indicate that foliar application of Zn could be considered for red pepper cultivation to improve plant development, yields and some quality properties, particularly in regions where Zn insufficiently is high.
  • Publication
    Water-yield relationships of green pepper (Capsicum annuum) cultivated at different ırrigation levels
    (Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2024-05-08) KUŞÇU, HAYRETTİN; Yılmaz, Sinem; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü; 0000-0003-0150-7834; 0000-0001-9600-7685
    A field experiment was carried out in Bursa ecological conditions to determine the effects of different irrigation strategies on water-yield relationships of green pepper cultivation. In the study, where the amount of water evaporated from the class A pan (E) was taken as reference, different pan-crop coefficients (kpc: 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00) were used for four irrigation treatments (S25: E×0.25, S50: E×0.50, S75: E×0.75, and S100: E×1.00) was created. While statistically significant (p<0.05) higher yields were obtained from S100 and S75 treatments, the yield decreased significantly from S50 and S25 treatments. The decrease in irrigation levels also caused a decrease in the size and diameter of the fruit. The highest water productivity was achieved from the S75 irrigation treatment. According to the results obtained, S75 irrigation treatment can be recommended in Bursa ecological conditions to obtain higher fruit yield both per unit area and per unit volume of water. Regarding S75, seasonally applied irrigation water was found to be 368.4 mm, evapotranspiration was 516.6 mm, fruit yield was 3629 kg da-1 and water productivity was 7.02 kg m-3
  • Publication
    Effect of rainfed and irrigated conditions on yield and quality traits of new-improved sunflower (Helianthus annuus) hybrids in a sub-humid climate
    (Indian Council of Agricultural Research, 2013-01-01) Öz, Mehmet; Karasu, Abdullah; Kuşcu, Hayrettin; Sincik, Mehmet; Turan, Z. Metin; Göksoy, A. Tanju; ÖZ, MEHMET; KARASU, ABDULLAH; KUŞÇU, HAYRETTİN; SİNCİK, MEHMET; TURAN, ZEKİ METİN; GÖKSOY, ABDURRAHİM TANJU; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mustafakemalpaşa Meslek Yüksekokulu.; 0000-0001-9600-7685; 0000-0002-0012-4412; 0000-0002-1568-2564; AAH-1811-2021; AAG-9296-2021; AAH-4682-2021; AAH-1754-2021; GHD-7419-2022; S-5338-2018
    The study was carried out to compare the effects of a rainfed (non-irrigated) and irrigated conditions on yield, certain yield components and quality traits of new-improved sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids in southern Marmara Region, Turkey having a sub-humid climate. Over two years (2006 and 2007), significant differences for all characters except plant height and crude oil per-cent were found between irrigation regimes (irrigated and non-irrigated conditions) while genotypes showed significant differences for all characters investigated. Also, genotype x irrigation regime interaction was highly significant for all traits except crude oil percent. In addition, year x irrigation regime, year x genotype and year x genotype x irrigation regime interactions were statistically significant for head diameter, 1 000 seed weight, seed yield and crude oil yield. The seed yield and crude oil yield increased highly with irrigations. The seed yield increases for irrigated treatment compared with non-irrigated treatment were 58.3 % in 2006 and 101.4 % in 2007. Compared with non-irrigated treatment, crude oil yield increases for irrigated treatments were 56.9 % in 2006 and 99.4 % in 2007. Differences between genotypes in seed yield and crude oil yield significantly varied according to irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. The control variety, Sanay and experimental hybrid, C 10 x R 10 produced more seed yield and crude oil yield than those of others in irrigated conditions, whereas highest seed yield and crude oil yield was obtained from the control variety, Muson in non-irrigated condition and differences among other hybrids were not statistically significant under rainfed condition.
  • Publication
    The effects of plastic mulched drip irrigation on yield, fruit quality and water productivity of table tomatoes
    (Springer, 2023-03-03) Karaer, Murat; Gültaş, Hüseyin Tevfik; Kuşçu, Hayrettin; KUŞÇU, HAYRETTİN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü.; 0000-0001-9600-7685; AAH-4682-2021
    This study examined the effects of different irrigation levels and plastic mulching on table tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cv. Zahide) yield, fruit quality, and water productivity. A field experiment was conducted in western Turkey during the summer seasons of 2017 and 2018 at the Application and Research Station, University of Bilecik Seyh Edebali. The research was designed as a split-plot design with three replications. The main plots consisted of two mulch applications (mulch (M) and no mulch (NM)), and sub-plots were consisting of four drip irrigation levels (100% (IL100), 75% (IL75), 50% (IL50), and 25% (IL25) of the evaporation measured in the Class A Pan). IL100 treatment with mulch application obtained the highest marketable yields as 72.56 t ha(-1) in 2017 and 75.50 ha(-1) in 2018. Increasing irrigation water amounts decreased total soluble solids (TSS), total sugar, titratable acidity, and lycopene values. Fruit yield and fruit weight values were increased with increasing irrigation water amounts. The highest water productivity values were obtained from interaction IL25 x M in both years. Mulching increased water productivity, especially with an effect on plant water consumption. Therefore, for drip irrigation under plastic mulch, the IL100 irrigation level can be recommended under conditions where water resources are sufficient, and IL75 is recommended when insufficient.