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  • Publication
    Studies on the gall characteristics of dryocosmus kuriphilus in chestnut genotypes in Yalova and Bursa provinces of Turkey
    (Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-napoca, 2019-01-01) Gençer, Nimet Sema; Mert, Cevriye; GENÇER, NİMET SEMA; MERT, CEVRİYE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Bitki Koruma Bölümü; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü; AAH-3908-2021; EWK-9746-2022
    The Asian chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus is a global pest of chestnut (Castanea spp.). It has been spreading in Turkey's forests and orchards since 2014. This pest imposes a big threat to the Turkish chestnut industry, which is among the top producers in the world. Its gall morphology has been related to pest pressure and host cultivar, thus eventually modulating plant damage with heavy impact on growth and fruit production. We compared gall characters (position on plant organ, ratios, dimensions, volumes, number of larval chambers) in wild Castanea sativa, two local cultivars and a Euro Japanese hybrid. Overall, leaf galls were more common (55.36%), followed by the stem (19.6%) and leaf stipule galls (15.29%). The mean number of chamber and volume value of gall types were 1.52-5.93 and 0.43-2.15 cm(3), respectively. The highest values were observed in 'stem gall'. The more gall formation was observed in the wild chestnut trees and 'Marigoule' than the other local varieties.
  • Publication
    Effects of five essential oils on three generalist predators and two important whitefly parasitoids
    (Lithuanian Research Centre Agriculture & Forestry, 2023-01) Şen, Emre; Gencer, Nimet Sema; GENÇER, NİMET SEMA; Şen, Emre; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü; IYS-3359-2023; EWK-9746-2022
    The experiment was conducted in the Entomology Laboratory of the Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Bursa Uludag University in October 2020 - May 2021. The aim of the study was to determine the toxic effects of five essential oils on five important biological control agents. The commercially obtained essential oils of carrot, wintergreen, ginger, wormwood, and clove were shown to be toxic to biological control agents Orius laevigatus, Nesidiocoris tenuis, Macrolophus pygmaeus, Encarsia formosa, and Eretmocerus eremicus in three doses: 0.125, 0.25, and 0.5 v/v. After 3 hours, for the predator O. laevigatus, the most effective (100%) oils were wintergreen and clove oils, while for N. tenuis, the most effective were wintergreen (100%), wormwood (100%), and clove (97%) ones. After 24 hours, ginger oil showed a 95% mortality effect on M. pygmaeus. The parasitoids E. formosa and E. eremicus were less affected by the oils, only wormwood oil had a slightly deleterious effect on the parasitoids E. formosa and E. eremicus (mean 53% and 43%, respectively).
  • Publication
    Toxic effects of essential oils against bemisia tabac (gennadius, 1889) (hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and its certain important natural enemies
    (Univ Agriculture, Fac Veterinary Science, 2023-03-01) Sen, Emre; Gencer, Nimet Sema; Gencer, Nimet Sema; GENÇER, NİMET SEMA; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi.; IYS-3359-2023
    In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of five different commercially available essential oils; aloe vera, borage, cacao, horse chestnut and nettle seed oils against egg, nymphal and pupal stages of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius and its important natural enemies namely, Encarsia formosa Gahan, Eretmocerus eremicus Rose and Zolnerowich, Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur, Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter, and Orius laevigatus Fiber. This study was conducted under laboratory conditions in 2021 at Bursa Uludag University, Turkey. The essential oil solutions were applied at %0.125, 0.25 and 0.5 doses and mortality rates were noted after 24, 48 and 72 hours of essential oils application. As a result, it was determined that the insect species most affected by the plant oils were the predators, the immature stages (egg, nymphal and pupal) of whitefly and the parasitoid species, respectively. Borage and horse chestnut oils showed high effects (100%) on predatory adults after 24 hours. It was determined that all N. tenuis and M. pygmaeus adults died after 48 hours in the trial. The egg, nymphal and pupal stages of B. tabaci were most affected by plant oils, respectively. B. tabaci eggs and pupal stages were the most affected from cacao oil with a mortality rate of 100%. Moreover, nymphal stage of B. tabaci was the most affected by horse chestnut oil with a mortality rate of 100% after 72 hours. Parasitized pupae were found to be the least affected individuals in the trial. Aloe vera oil was the least effective essential oil in the experiment. Eggs and nymphal stages of B. tabaci, O. laevigatus, E. formosa and E. eremicus were affected by aloe vera oil with mortality rates of 53.33%, 46%, 53%, 46% and 36%, respectively. Horse chestnut and cacao oils were harmful to the immature stages (egg, nymphal and pupal) of B. tabaci and all predator adults (M. pygmaeus, N. tenuis, O. laevigatus), but they had slightly harmful on parasitoid species in the experiment.
  • Publication
    The effect of illumination with different light wavelengths on the orientation of Turkestan cockroach, Blatta lateralis (Walker, 1868) (Blattodea: Blattidae)
    (Ege Üniversitesi, 2020-10-20) Burhan, Abdullah; Gençer, Nimet Sema; Burhan, Abdullah; GENÇER, NİMET SEMA; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Bitki Koruma Bölümü.; AAH-3011-2021; EOQ-0700-2022
    In this study, the effect of illumination with different light wavelengths (red, green, yellow, blue, white and a dark control) on the orientation of the Turkestan cockroach, Blatta lateralis (Walker,1868) (Blattodea: Blattidae) was investigated. The study was conducted under laboratory conditions in 2019 at Bursa Uludag University. In orientation trials, adult cockroaches were exposed to three different light illuminances (25, 250 and 2500 lux). The trials were conducted in six- and two-arm choice arenas. In each trial, three replicates and 100 individuals were used. The data obtained show that the sensitivity to the illumination with different wavelengths may increase depending on light intensity. In particular, in the six-arm and two-arm trial, in the experiment where blue light of 2500 lux intensity was applied, the cockroach orientation was the lowest at 0.9% and 1.8%, respectively. In general, the highest orientation was against the dark (control) chamber in all trials. In addition, under all lux values, the orientation to red light was higher than with green, yellow, blue and white light. As a result of this study, it has been determined that blue light may have a repellent effect on cockroaches, and red light may be more attractive than other wavelengths. These studies can be useful in the development of an alternative method of control to replace chemicals used against cockroaches that would be harmless to human health and the environment.
  • Publication
    Farklı domates çeşitlerinde zararlılara karşı savunma yapıları olan trikom yoğunluğunun ve acylsugar konsantrasyonunun belirlenmesi
    (Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2024-02-09) Gök, Narin; Özkan, Simge; Çobanoğlu, Sultan; KUMRAL, NABİ ALPER; AKBUDAK, NURAY; GENÇER, NİMET SEMA; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü; 0000-0001-9442-483X; 0000-0003-2669-5667; 0000-0001-8053-5002
    Ülkemizde domates yetiştiriciliği ekonomik getiri ve beslenme yönünden önem arz etmektedir. Domates yetiştiriciliğindeki önemli sorunlardan biri zararlılar (böcek ve akar) nedeniyle yüksek ürün kayıplarıdır. Günümüzde bazı domates hastalıkları ve nematot zararlılarına karşı dayanıklı domates çeşitleri ruhsatlanmasına karşın; diğer zararlılara karşı dayanıklı tescilli çeşitler henüz kaydedilmemiştir. Domateslerde, böceklerin ve akarların zararına hatta biyolojik mücadele etmenlerinin aktivitesine karşı olumsuz olan unsurlardan biri de domatesin vejatatif organlarında bulunan keseli ve kesesiz trikomlardır. Kesesiz trikomlar bu canlıların vücudunu tahrip ederek olumsuz etki yaratırken; keseli trikomların içinde bulunan acylsugar’ın bunlar üzerinde zehir veya kaçırıcı etkisi bulunmaktadır. Bundan dolayı, bu çalışmada 49 domates çeşidinde bulunan trikom yapıları ve keseli trikomlardan salgılanan acylsugar konsantrasyonları araştırılmıştır. İncelenen domates çeşitlerindeki trikomların tiplerine göre yoğunluklarının saptanması zararlılara dayanıklı çeşitlerin belirlenmesi için temel bilgi sağlarken; aynı zamanda doğal düşmanların etkinliğini sınırlaması açısından da bilgi verilmiştir. Çalışmada yaprak, sap ve dallarda tip IV ve tip VI keseli; tip III ve tip V kesesiz trikomların yoğunlukları tespit edilmiştir. Her bir vejatatif organ ayrı ayrı değerlendirildiğinde farklı trikom tiplerinin yoğunluklarının çeşitlere bağlı önemli düzeyde değişiklik gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Ward’ın minumum varyans analizi metotuna göre her tipteki trikom yoğunlukları düşük, orta ve yüksek olarak kümelenmiştir. İncelenen çeşitler arasından bazılarının hem keseli hem de kesesiz trikom açısından düşük yoğunluğa sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Benzer istatistiki farklılıklar, keseli trikomlarda bulunan acylsugar içerikleri açısından da ortaya konmuştur.