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  • Publication
    The concept of Bergsonian time in mansfield's 'Miss Brill'
    (Beytulhikme Felsefe Çevresi, 2017-12-01) Baykent, Ufuk Özen; ÖZEN BAYKENT, UFUK; Eğitim Fakültesi; Yabancı Diller Eğitimi Bölümü; Q-7061-2016
    Katherine Mansfield is a well-known writer in short fiction genre in English. Miss Brill is one of her most widely discussed stories which explores the concepts of alienation, loneliness, isolation and consciousness through the characterization of the protagonist. Like those of many modernist writers, Mansfield's literary style was influenced by Henri Bergson whose philosophy is grounded on the concept of time. Both the form and content of her stories are reflections of Bergsonian time. Specifically, this study deals with Mansfield's story entitled Miss Brill and analyses it in terms of the concept of duration as proposed by Bergson.
  • Publication
    The concepts of nausea and absurdity revisited during the Coronavirus pandemic
    (Philippine Natl Philosophical Res Soc, 2022-06-01) Baykent, Ufuk Özen; ÖZEN BAYKENT, UFUK; Eğitim Fakültesi; Q-7061-2016
    The year 2020 began with the world being controlled by a then -unknown force. This unknown force would later be called a coronavirus or Covid-19. Not a single country would be free from infection by this virus. We are petrified with astonishment when confronted with this disease. Initially, after admitting the reality, we started struggling with and revolting against this virus. Time has led us to the consideration of our existence. This pandemic inclines us to revisit the major themes in existential philosophy discussed by Sartre in the Nausea and the philosophy of the absurd by Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus, The Plague, and The Stranger. The study addresses the concepts of anxiety, suffering, freedom, self-deception, absurdity, and choices. When confronted with the reality of the disease, we are shocked by an odd sensation like what Roquentin felt in his experience of nausea. This bizarre feeling brought an initial rejection, a self-deception followed by suffering, and a reflection of one's freedom. The concept of freedom leads us to certain decisions we make and the choices we are offered. The absurdity brought about by the pandemic is a reality that we must accept as it is. How would Sisyphus feel if he were living in the present? The struggle by Sisyphus can be our struggle now against a coronavirus. We feel condemned to roll a rock to the top of a mountain, a punishment that seems like 'futile and hopeless labor.' However, we are stronger than our rock. The paper presents a parallelism between our suffering during the pandemic and the sufferings of Sisyphus and Roquentin.
  • Publication
    The concepts of nausea and absurdity revisited during the coronavirus pandemic
    (Philippine Natl Philosophical Res Soc, 2022-06-01) Baykent, Ufuk Özen; ÖZEN BAYKENT, UFUK; Eğitim Fakültesi; Türkçe ve Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Bölümü; Q-7061-2016
    The year 2020 began with the world being controlled by a then unknown force. This unknown force would later be called a coronavirus or Covid-19. Not a single country would be free from infection by this virus. We are petrified with astonishment when confronted with this disease. Initially, after admitting the reality, we started struggling with and revolting against this virus. Time has led us to the consideration of our existence. This pandemic inclines us to revisit the major themes in existential philosophy discussed by Sartre in the Nausea and the philosophy of the absurd by Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus, The Plague, and The Stranger. The study addresses the concepts of anxiety, suffering, freedom, self-deception, absurdity, and choices. When confronted with the reality of the disease, we are shocked by an odd sensation like what Roquentin felt in his experience of nausea. This bizarre feeling brought an initial rejection, a self-deception followed by suffering, and a reflection of one's freedom. The concept of freedom leads us to certain decisions we make and the choices we are offered. The absurdity brought about by the pandemic is a reality that we must accept as it is. How would Sisyphus feel if he were living in the present? The struggle by Sisyphus can be our struggle now against a coronavirus. We feel condemned to roll a rock to the top of a mountain, a punishment that seems like 'futile and hopeless labor.' However, we are stronger than our rock. The paper presents a parallelism between our suffering during the pandemic and the sufferings of Sisyphus and Roquentin.
  • Publication
    Totalitarianism and individualism unveiled: Hobbes and Orwell
    (Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2023-09-24) ÖZEN BAYKENT, UFUK
    George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four holds significant importance today partly because it remains relevant to contemporary society and partly because it warns the societies against totalitarianism. On the other hand, Thomas Hobbes holds a contrary view in terms of the political system he defends, a view shaped by the circumstances his country was in. The present study aims to examine the portrayal of totalitarianism in Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four and to explore what Hobbes contrarily argues about the necessity of a powerful authority in the establishment and continuity of a harmonious society. The writings by Orwell and Hobbes, the implications the novel carries for fundamental questions about personal freedom, autonomy, and the stifling of individuality will be analyzed by addressing to the concept of totalitarianism that is related to the arguments proposed by Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan. A philosophical consideration of the novel and comparison of how Orwell and Hobbes reacted the idea of totalitarianism in two different ways in their own contexts will encourage us to examine our own political systems, media, and societal norms today