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  • Publication
    Bilateral brachial artery infiltration by tumoral calcinosis: A case report
    (Türkiye Ortopedi Travmatoloji, 2021-05-01) Cavit, Ali; Çapkin, Serkan; Yılmaz, Kutay; Kaleli, Tufan; Yılmaz, Kutay; KALELİ, HÜSEYİN TUFAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/El Cerrahisi Kliniği/Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı; 0000-0002-2693-1570; HTN-5096-2023; AAB-6136-2022
    We, herein, presented a rare case of bilateral brachial artery infiltration by tumoral calcinosis located on both elbows. A 58-yearold man presented with a history of painless, palpable solid mass restricting the range of motion of both elbows. These masses were located on the anterior aspect of the elbows and gradually enlarged. After clinical, laboratory and radiological examinations, tumoral calcinosis was suspected, and excisional biopsy was planned for a definite diagnosis. Surgery was first performed on the left elbow. The median nerve was found to be compressed but not infiltrated by the mass. Interestingly, the brachial artery was totally infiltrated throughout the entire mass. Occlusion was observed in the brachial artery located within the mass. The tumor on the left elbow, 8.5 x 5.5 x 2.5 cm in size, was totally excised with approximately 12-cm brachial artery segment. The artery was resected until the healthy tissue was reached. The defect was reconstructed with saphenous vein graft obtained from the ipsilateral lower extremity. The same surgical procedure was performed on the right elbow after 3 months. The tumor size on the right elbow was 7 x 3.5 x 1.7 cm. Approximately 15-cm brachial artery segment was excised, and the defect was reconstructed with saphenous vein graft. Tumoral calcinosis is a rare benign condition that can be located in close relationship with neurovascular structures. In such cases, detailed neurologic and vascular examination, including imaging modalities, for arterial flow is essential to establish a more accurate surgical plan and avoid any unexpected situation during surgery.
  • Publication
    Efficacy of single-dose radiotherapy in preventing posttraumatic tendon adhesion
    (Springernature, 2020-06-02) Ermutlu, Cenk; ERMUTLU, CENK; Kaleli, Tufan; KALELİ, HÜSEYİN TUFAN; Yalçınkaya, Ulviye; YALÇINKAYA, ÜLVİYE; Çetintaş, Sibel; ÇETİNTAŞ, SİBEL; Atıcı, Teoman; ATICI, TEOMAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Ortopedi Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Radyasyon Onkolijisi Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-8259-3695; 0000-0003-1109-8958; 0000-0002-3396-3407; AAH-8924-2021; AAB-6136-2022; A-5095-2018; AAB-2795-2021
    Background and AimPosttraumatic peritendinous adhesion is the greatest obstacle to achieve normal tendon function following lacerations of extrinsic flexor tendons of the hand. In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether single-dose radiotherapy (RT) has the potential to modulate intrasynovial tendon adhesions.Materials and MethodsA total of 80 tendons from the third to fourth flexor profundus of both hind paws of 20 adult New Zealand rabbits were used in this study. Rabbits in the RT group received 3 Gy of X-irradiation in a single fraction. Histopathological evaluation of longitudinal sections of tendons was made using the Tang grading system for peritendinous adhesions. Intratendinous quality of the healing tissue in the laceration zone was assessed using a modified Movin scale.ResultsAdhesion and inflammatory response were greater in the RT group (p(<)0.001). Tendon healing in the radiation group was found to he more uniform and organized compared with the control group. However, this difference was not statistically significant. The nuclei of the tenocytes in the radiation group showed a closer resemblance to normal tendon tissue when compared with the control group (p=0.007).ConclusionsDespite RT's certain advantages such as extracorporeal use, anti-inflammatory effect, and homogenous tissue penetration, 3-Gy X-irradiation resulted in increased peritendinous posttraumatic adhesion, possibly due to dose imbalance. Increased roundness in the tenocyte nuclei was present in the RT group. Studies with different dosing regimens and a higher number of subjects are necessary to establish an ideal dose suppressing the synovial response without compromising tendon healing.
  • Publication
    Surgical treatment of solitary enchondromas of the hand
    (Springernature, 2020-04-01) Çapkın, Sercan; Cavit, Ali; Yılmaz, Kutay; Kaleli, Tufan; Cavit, Ali; Yılmaz, Kutay; KALELİ, HÜSEYİN TUFAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Ortopedi Bölümü; 0000-0002-4839-1747; 0000-0003-1109-8958; HTN-5096-2023; AAB-6136-2022; FZU-6956-2022
    Objective: The present retrospective study evaluated the clinical and radiologic results of patients who underwent complete curettage and autologous bone grafting for hand-located isolated enchondromas with a minimum follow-up period of one year.Patients and Methods: Thirty-two patients with a follow-up period of at least 12 months who underwent operation between August 2010 and October 2018 due to the presence of solitary enchondroma of the hand were included in the study. All patients underwent complete curettage and filling of the defect via autologous bone grafting. Autologous bone graft was harvested from the iliac crest and distal radius in 24 and eight patients, respectively. The patients underwent radiography on the first postoperative visit and at six weeks, 12 weeks, and annually. The range of movement of the finger joint was evaluated by comparing it with the healthy contralateral side. Functional outcomes and radiologic outcomes were evaluated. The frequency of complications and recurrences were established.Results: Twelve patients were male and 20 were female. The average age was 34 (range: 16-56) years. The most common digit involved was the little finger (nine cases, 28.125%); the proximal phalanx was the most common location (17 cases, 53.125%). Control radiography in the sixth week revealed graft consolidation in all patients. No case of nonunion or recurrence was detected clinically or radiologically, with a mean follow-up period of 54 (range: 12-96) months. Functional outcomes were classified as excellent in 28 patients and as good in four patients. The final radiographic appearances included Tordai's group 1 in 28 bones and group 2 in four bones.Conclusion: Curettage and autologous bone grafting are safe, costless, and effective treatment options for hand enchondroma, with satisfactory functional and radiographic outcomes. Harvesting bone graft from the distal radius provides a shorter length of hospital stay and lower complication rates compared to obtaining the graft from the iliac crest.
  • Publication
    The effect of hamatum curvature angle on carpal tunnel volumetry: A mathematical simulation model
    (Hindawi Ltd, 2020-03-10) Akdağ, Gökhan; Alp, Nazmi Bülent; Kaleli, Tufan; KALELİ, HÜSEYİN TUFAN; Kalay, Onur Can; Karpat, Fatih; KARPAT, FATİH; Macunluoğlu, Aslı Ceren; Oral, Gamze Saygı; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Ortopedi Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Biyoistatistik Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0003-3656-0088; 0000-0003-1109-8958; 0000-0001-8643-6910; 0000-0001-8474-7328; 0000-0002-6802-5998; AAB-6136-2022; A-5259-2018
    In carpal tunnel volume measurements, the angle of the hamatum curvature is not considered a variable, and its effect on carpal tunnel volume has not been investigated. We hypothesize that a change in the anatomical angle of the hamatum curvature changes the carpal tunnel volume. To prove our hypothesis, we used a mathematical simulation model considering the carpal tunnel as a truncated cone. We reviewed the wrist CT scans of 91 adults (>18 years of age), including 51 men and 40 women. We measured the angle of the hamatum curvature in the CT scans. We measured cross-sectional areas at the outlet of the carpal tunnel at the level of the trapezium and hook of hamate (r1) and at the inlet at the level of the scaphoid and pisiform (r2) and the length (h) of the carpal tunnel. We attempted to calculate the effect of 2 degree by 2-degree changes in the angle of the hamatum curvature between the angles of 98 degrees and 140 degrees on the carpal tunnel volume. The mean angle of the hook of hamatum of the subjects was 122.55 degrees +/- 8.20 degrees (range, 97.20 degrees-139.31 degrees). No suitable cutoff point was found for the angle values. There was no difference between the gender groups according to the angle value. The data clearly show that there is a high correlation between carpal tunnel volume and the angle of hamatum curvature. The results of our study emphasize the importance of taking into account the anatomical features of the hamatum bone, especially the angle of curvature, which may play a predisposing role in idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome.