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Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    The distribution of mature and/or immature myeloid cells and their role in effective anti-viral immune responses in COVID-19 positive patients
    (Wiley, 2021-08-01) Ermiş, Diğdem Yöyen; Dömbaz, Fatma; Karaçay, Mehmet; Etgü, Onur; Kızmaz, Muhammed Ali; Şimşek, Abdurrahman; Çağan, Eren; Aşan, Ali; Yılmaz, Emel; Kazak, Esra; Pınar, İbrahim Ethem; Bal, Salih Haldun; Arslan, Gözde; Karaca, Mert; Özkocaman, Vildan; Özkalemtaş, Fahir; Akalın, Emin Halis; Budak, Ferah; Oral, Haluk Barbaros; YÖYEN ERMİŞ, DİĞDEM; Dombaz, Fatma; Karaçay, Mehmet; Etgü, Onur; Kızmaz, Muhammed Ali; ŞİMŞEK, ABDURRAHMAN; YILMAZ, EMEL; KAZAK, ESRA; PINAR, İBRAHİM ETHEM; BAL, SALİH HALDUN; Arslan, Gözde; KARACA, MERT; ÖZKOCAMAN, VİLDAN; Özkalemtaş, Fahir; AKALIN, EMİN HALİS; BUDAK, FERAH; ORAL, HALUK BARBAROS; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/İmmünoloji Ana Bilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Rasit Durusoy Kan Bankası.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Hemotoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-7288-3250; 0000-0001-5334-7911; 0000-0001-8850-0269; 0000-0002-8856-7356; 0000-0003-1785-3539; 0000-0001-7530-1279; 0000-0001-7625-9148; 0000-0003-0463-6818; KHE-5423-2024; AAU-8952-2020; HKN-2347-2023; JGM-6601-2023; JFS-2013-2023; AAG-7381-2021; K-7285-2012; IZP-9398-2023; F-4657-2014; JWP-2738-2024; GYL-2038-2022; DWR-5356-2022; CXY-4200-2022; CPT-2053-2022; GDP-0005-2022; AAG-8459-2021; FQJ-3657-2022; FQG-8981-2022
  • Publication
    Evaluation of indoleamine 2, 3 dioxygenase (IDO) gene polymorphisms in COVID-19
    (Wiley, 2021-08-01) Karaca, Mert; Arslan, Gözde; Ermiş, Diğdem Yöyen; Bal, Salih Haldun; Uzaslan, Esra Kunt; Özkalemkaş, Fahir; Macunluoğlu, Aslı Ceren; Budak, Ferah; Akalın, Halis; Oral, Haluk Barbaros; KARACA, MERT; Arslan, Gözde; YÖYEN ERMİŞ, DİĞDEM; BAL, SALİH HALDUN; Uzaslan, Esra Kunt; ÖZKALEMKAŞ, FAHİR; Macunluoğlu, Aslı Ceren; BUDAK, FERAH; AKALIN, EMİN HALİS; ORAL, HALUK BARBAROS; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/İmmunoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Göğüs Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Biostatik Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-6802-5998; 0000-0001-7625-9148; 0000-0001-7530-1279; 0000-0003-0463-6818; 0000-0002-6802-5998; 0000-0001-6711-676X; IZP-9398-2023; AAU-8952-2020; K-7285-2012; F-4657-2014; JFS-2013-2023; AAG-7406-2021; GYL-2038-2022; KBR-5535-2024; AAI-1004-2021; JLE-5241-2023; GBP-6589-2022
  • Publication
    Il-21: A potential biomarker for diagnosis and predicting prognosis in covid-19 patients
    (European Respiratory Society Journals, 2021-09-05) Öztürk, Nilüfer Aylin Acet; Ursavaş, Ahmet; Dilektaşlı, Aslı Görek; Demirdöğen, Ezgi; Coşkun, Funda; Ediger, Dane; Uzaslan, Esra; Yöyen-Ermiş, Diğdem; Karaca, Mert; Terzi, Orkun; Bayram, Merve; Ömer, Dilara; Yiğitliler, Büşra; Yurttaş, Ahmet; Maharramov, Shahriyar; Çelik, Gamze; Oral, Barbaros; Karadağ, Mehmet; ACET ÖZTÜRK, NİLÜFER AYLİN; URSAVAŞ, AHMET; GÖREK DİLEKTAŞLI, ASLI; DEMİRDÖĞEN, EZGİ; COŞKUN, NECMİYE FUNDA; EDİGER, DANE; UZASLAN, AYŞE ESRA; YÖYEN ERMİŞ, DİĞDEM; KARACA, MERT; TERZİ, ORKUN ERAY; BAYRAM, MERVE; ÖMER TOPÇU, DİLARA; YURTTAŞ, AHMET; ORAL, HALUK BARBAROS; KARADAĞ, MEHMET; MAHARRAMOV, SHAHRİYAR; YAZICI, GAMZE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi.; 0000-0002-6375-1472; 0000-0002-7400-9089; 0000-0003-3604-8826; 0000-0002-2954-4293; 0000-0001-5871-8769; 0000-0002-9027-1132; AAG-8744-2021; JPK-7012-2023; AAH-3888-2021; AAE-9142-2019; AAI-3169-2021; AAD-1271-2019
  • Publication
    Interleukin-21: A potential biomarker for diagnosis and predicting prognosis in covid-19 patients
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2021-01-01) ACET ÖZTÜRK, NİLÜFER AYLİN; URSAVAŞ, AHMET; GÖREK DİLEKTAŞLI, ASLI; DEMİRDÖĞEN, EZGİ; COŞKUN, NECMİYE FUNDA; EDİGER, DANE; UZASLAN, AYŞE ESRA; YÖYEN ERMİŞ, DİĞDEM; KARACA, MERT; TERZİ, ORKUN ERAY; BAYRAM, MERVE; ÖMER TOPÇU, DİLARA; Yigitliler, Busra; YURTTAŞ, AHMET; Maharramov, Shahriyar; YAZICI, GAMZE; ORAL, HALUK BARBAROS; KARADAĞ, MEHMET; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi.; 0000-0002-6375-1472; 0000-0001-7099-9647; 0000-0002-7400-9089; 0000-0003-3604-8826; 0000-0002-2954-4293; 0000-0001-5871-8769; 0000-0003-0463-6818; 0000-0002-9027-1132; AAG-7406-2021; AAD-1271-2019; AAH-3888-2021; K-7285-2012; AAG-8744-2021; AAI-3169-2021; JPK-7012-2023; AAE-9142-2019
    Background/aim: COVID-19 patients have a wide spectrum of disease severity. Several biomarkers were evaluated as predictors for progression towards severe disease. IL-21 is a member of common gamma-chain cytokine family and creates some specific effects during programming and maintenance of antiviral immunity. We aimed to assess IL-21 as a biomarker for diagnosis and outcome prediction in patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Materials and methods: Patients with a preliminary diagnosis of COVID-19 and pneumonia other than COVID-19 admitted to a tertiary care hospital were included consecutively in this comparative study. Results: The study population consisted of 51 patients with COVID-19 and 11 patients with non-COVID-19 pneumonia. Serum IL-21 concentration was markedly higher, and serum CRP concentration was significantly lower in COVID-19 patients compared to nonCOVID-19 pneumonia patients. Within COVID-19 patients, 10 patients showed radiological and clinical progression. Patients with clinical worsening had lower lymphocyte count and haemoglobin. In addition to that, deteriorating patients had higher urea, LDH levels, and elevated concentration of both IL-6 and IL-21. The cut-off value of 106 ng/L for IL-21 has 80.0% sensitivity, %60.9 specificity for discriminating patients with clinical worsening. Multivariable analysis performed to define risk factors for disease progression identified IL-6 and IL-21 as independent predictors. Odds ratio for serum IL-6 concentrations >_ 3.2 pg/mL was 8.07 (95% CI: 1.3747.50, p = 0.04) and odds ratio for serum IL-21 concentrations >_ 106 ng/L was 6.24 (95% CI: 1.04 - 37.3, p = 0.02). Conclusion: We identified specific differences in serum IL-21 between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 pneumonia patients. Serum IL-21 measurement has promising predictive value for disease progression in COVID-19 patients. High serum IL-6 and IL-21 levels obtained upon admission are independent risk factors for clinical worsening.
  • Publication
    The pmp rate in all brain deaths comparison to pmp rate of donors with family permission reported in provinces connected to Bursa Region Coordination Center which has the highest pmp rate in Turkey
    (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2019-11-01) Elgin, Ersin; Yıldız, Abdülmecid; Oruç, Ayşegül; Akgür, Suat; Ünsal, Oktay; Keskin, Sahriye; Oflaz, Rafet; Selimoğlu, Kerem; Gürel, Ceyda; Arslan, İlknur; Çınar, Yavuz Selim; Ulusoy, Türkan Yılmaz; Güler, Müjgan; Dübek, Aslı Bahar; Berkant, Yasemin Geçgil; Karan, Elif; Karaca, Mert; Ersoy, Alparlan; Elgin, Ersin; Yıldız, Abdülmecid; ORUÇ, AYŞEGÜL; AKGÜR, SUAT; Ünsal, Oktay; Keskin, Sahriye; Oflaz, Rafet; Selimoğlu, Kerem; Gürel, Ceyda; Arslan, İlknur; Karan, Elif; KARACA, MERT; ERSOY, ALPARSLAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Organ Nakli Merkezi.; 0000-0002-0342-9692; 0000-0001-6711-676X; 0000-0002-0710-0923; DXA-2790-2022; EIF-8983-2022; AAH-4002-2021; JIX-1144-2023; JJY-8484-2023; CZH-6714-2022; DJU-5362-2022; CDS-3299-2022; EWW-9090-2022; CCH-8947-2022; FDB-4488-2022; AAG-7406-2021; AAH-5054-2021