Varroa’ya karşı hivecleantm ve perizin tm etkisinin karşılaştırılması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Türkiye ve dünyada arıcılığın en büyük sorunlarından olan Varroa akarının kontrolünde bilinen kimyasal mücadele ürünlerinden PerizinTM ile daha yeni olan, oksalik asit içeren HiveCleanTM’i Türkiye’de karşılaştırdık. HiveCleanTM ve PerizinTM kovanların bulaşıklık düzeyleriyle oranlı olarak Varroa dökülmesini sağladılar. Ama PerizinTM yaklaşık 3,5 kat daha etkili bulundu. Etiket bilgilerine göre uygulandığında, bir uygulamada HiveCleanTM Ekim başında, Kafkas arısı kovanlarında bulunan Varroa’nın yalnız % 25’ini döktü. Bu sonuçlara dayanarak organik üretim yapan arıcılarımıza ve kovanda bulaşıklık düzeyini daha kesin izlemek isteyenlere insan sağlığına zararlı olmayan HiveCleanTM gibi ürünleri önerebiliriz. HiveCleanTM için Türkiye arıcılık koşullarına uygun doz ve uygulama sıklığının belirlenmesi gerekmektedir.
Varroa is one of the most important problems of beekeeping in Turkey and in the world. In this study we compared known chemical control agent Perizin and a more recent product, HiveCleanTM, containing oxalic acid, in control of Varroa in Turkey. Both HiveCleanTM and PerizinTM resulted in Varroa fall proportional to the infestation levels of the colonies. However, PerizinTM was found to have about 3,5 times higher efficacy. When applied according to the label instructions, in one application, HiveCleanTM lead to 25% Varroa fall in Apis mellifera caucasica colonies in early October when a minimum level of capped brood was present in colonies. Based on these results we recommend use of products harmless to human health, such as HiveCleanTM, to organic producers, and to those who want to follow more precisely the level of infestation in colonies. The optimum dosage and application frequency of HiveCleanTM should be determined for beekeeping conditions in Turkey.
Varroa is one of the most important problems of beekeeping in Turkey and in the world. In this study we compared known chemical control agent Perizin and a more recent product, HiveCleanTM, containing oxalic acid, in control of Varroa in Turkey. Both HiveCleanTM and PerizinTM resulted in Varroa fall proportional to the infestation levels of the colonies. However, PerizinTM was found to have about 3,5 times higher efficacy. When applied according to the label instructions, in one application, HiveCleanTM lead to 25% Varroa fall in Apis mellifera caucasica colonies in early October when a minimum level of capped brood was present in colonies. Based on these results we recommend use of products harmless to human health, such as HiveCleanTM, to organic producers, and to those who want to follow more precisely the level of infestation in colonies. The optimum dosage and application frequency of HiveCleanTM should be determined for beekeeping conditions in Turkey.
Bu çalışmada kullanılan maddi destek TÜBİTAK-BAYG’dan ( M.K.) sağlanmıştır.
Kafkas, Oksalik asit, Apis mellifera caucasica, Kimyasal kontrol, Akarlar, Oxalic acid, Apis mellifera caucasica, Chemical contro, Mites
Giray, T. vd. (2007). ''Varroa’ya karşı hivecleantm ve perizin tm etkisinin karşılaştırılması''. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 7(1), 26-29.