Danimarkalı oryantalist Frants Buhl’un eserlerinde Hz. Peygamber algısı
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
19-20. yy. oryantalistleri arasında zikredilen Frants Buhl, farklı üniversitelerde aldığı eğitim ile Doğu araştırmaları ve Kitâb-ı Mukaddes alanlarında çalışmalar yapmıştır. iarkiyatçılık bünyesinde birçok kitap ve ansiklopedi maddeleri yazmakla birlikte en tanınmıĢ eseri “Muhammeds Liv” (Muhammed’in Hayatı)’dır. Bu çalışmada da onun bu eseri ana kaynak olarak kullanarak Hz. Peygamber hakkındaki görüşleri zikredilmiş ve İslamî kaynaklarda bulunan rivâyetlerle birlikte değerlendirilmeye tabi tutulmuştur. O, Peygamber dönemini Mekke ve Medine dönemi olarak ayırmış, Medine döneminde Hz. Muhammed’i artık dini öğretileri için savunan bir adam yerine politika ve siyasî gücü olan bir kişi olarak nitelemiştir. Buhl, özellikle Hz. Peygamber ve islam hakkındaki değerlendirmelerinde sert üslubu ile dikkat çekmiştir. Yazar, klasik oryantalistlerde olduğu gibi rivâyetlerin birçoğunu uydurma olarak kabul etmiş, bu nedenle olayların sebeplerine bakmaksızın Hz. Peygamber’e savaşçı, politikacı gibi çeşitli ithamlarda bulunmuştur. Ayrıca Buhl, Hz. Peygamber döneminde yaşanan olayları genellikle Yahudilik ve Hıristiyanlık bağlamında ele alarak onun semâvi dinlerden etkilendiğini savunmaya çalışmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı bir oryantalist olarak Frants Buhl’un Hz. Peygamber’i nasıl ele aldığını göstermeye çalışmaktır.
Frants Buhl, who is mentioned among the orientalists of the 19-20th century, worked in the fields of Eastern Studies and the Bible with the education he received at different universities. Although he wrote many books and encyclopedia articles within the scope of orienentalism, his mostwell-knownwork is “Muhammeds Liv” (The Life of Muhammad). in this study, his views on Muhammad were metioned, using this work as the main source, and were evaluated together with narrations found in Ġslamic sources. He divided the periods of Muhammad into the period Mecca and Medina, and during the period of Medina, he described Muhammad as a person with political power instead of a man who defended his religious teachings. Buhl attracted attention with his harsh style, especially in his evaluations about Muhammed and Islam. The author, like the classical orientalists, accepts many of the narrations as fabricated, and therefore makes various accusations against the Prophet as a warrior or a politican, regardless of the reasons for the events. in addition, Buhl generally discussed the events that took place during the time of the Prophet in context of Judaism and Christianity and tried to argue that Muhammad was influenced by them. The aim of the study is try to show how Frants Buhl, as an orientalist, handles the Prophet.
Frants Buhl, who is mentioned among the orientalists of the 19-20th century, worked in the fields of Eastern Studies and the Bible with the education he received at different universities. Although he wrote many books and encyclopedia articles within the scope of orienentalism, his mostwell-knownwork is “Muhammeds Liv” (The Life of Muhammad). in this study, his views on Muhammad were metioned, using this work as the main source, and were evaluated together with narrations found in Ġslamic sources. He divided the periods of Muhammad into the period Mecca and Medina, and during the period of Medina, he described Muhammad as a person with political power instead of a man who defended his religious teachings. Buhl attracted attention with his harsh style, especially in his evaluations about Muhammed and Islam. The author, like the classical orientalists, accepts many of the narrations as fabricated, and therefore makes various accusations against the Prophet as a warrior or a politican, regardless of the reasons for the events. in addition, Buhl generally discussed the events that took place during the time of the Prophet in context of Judaism and Christianity and tried to argue that Muhammad was influenced by them. The aim of the study is try to show how Frants Buhl, as an orientalist, handles the Prophet.
Frants Buhl, Muhammeds Liv, Kitâb-ı Mukaddes, Bible, Islam, Orientalism, Oryantalizm