Avrupa ülkelerinde yaşayan Türk işçi çocuklarının kimlik problemi ve çözümü için bazı teklifler

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


Turks have gone to European countries in order to work there and get better life standards and finally come back in better conditions. But they could neither come back nor adapt to the countries they went. Shortly, they have been ignored for years in the Solutions of their problems which come from religion, language, culture, and so on. For över 30 years, for Turkish workers living in European countries, a lot of things have been written and symposiums have been held and also in recent years, some institutions have been held for the solution studies on the problems. On this point, we can talk about the institutions (for example Landesinstitut) which did regardable studies in Germany where most of the Turkish people live. These can be thought as good developments. But we can’t pass without saying that the identity problem Turks faced with have been ignored for many years. “Getting identity” subject is related to social conditions. Child or young get his identity in a social environment which attracts, interests, and surrounds him. So, the national identity which is wanted to be formed for the Turkish workers’ children or young, can come true only by forming a social environment and connecting with religion, language, and culture which are the essential points of identity. And so, we want to pay attention to three factors for the solution of the identity problem. These three factors are A. Education within family B. Education at school. C, Education at mosque.
Avrupa ülkelerinde yaşayan Türk işçilerinin çocuklarının problemlerinden birini teşkil eden "kimlik" konusunu ele alırken, otuz yılı aşkın bir süredir bu ülkelerde yaşayan insanlarımızın bu problemle neden karşılaştıkları hususuna değinerek başlamak istiyoruz. Türkler, Avrupa ülkelerine çalışmak ve ekonomik yönden daha iyi şartlara kavuşmak, sonunda ülkelerine dönmek amacıyla gitmişlerdi. Ancak ne ülkelerine dönebildiler, ne de gittikleri memleketlere tam anlamıyla uyum sağlayabildiler. Kısacası onlar din, dil, kültür vb. farklılıklarının meydana getirdiği problemlerin çözümünde uzun yıllar sahipsiz kaldılar.



Turkish workers, European countries, Identity problem, Türk işçiler, Avrupa ülkeleri, Problem çözümü, Kimlik problemi


Ay, M. E. (1998). "Avrupa ülkelerinde yaşayan Türk işçi çocuklarının kimlik problemi ve çözümü için bazı teklifler". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(7), 207-223.