İbn Bâcce’nin eserleri

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


Bu yazııım temel amacı, İbn Bâcce’ye ait yirmi dört risaleden oluşan kayıp Berlin Yazması (Ahlwardt, 5060)'nın yeniden ortaya çıkmış olduğunu duyurmak ve bu münasebetle, çok genel bir yaklaşımla da olsa, İbn Bâcce’nin çerlerini Türk okuyucusuna tanıtmaktır.
During his doctorate studies on Ibn Bajjah’s philosophy in Berlin in the last months of 1990, the writer of this treatise tracked down the lost Berlin MS (Ahl- wardt, 5060). So, if it the not a repetition, this treatise intends to announce the good news that Berlin MS which was lost during World War II is available. This MS, as it is known, contains 24 works or parts of works of ibn Bajjah, including some not in the other MSS. Now, it’s original is in "(Krakow: Biblioteka Jagielonski): Preuss Staatsbibliothek". And a microfilm copy of the original is available in Bochum (Deutschland). The writer possesses photostats of the MS.



Berlin Yazması, Risale, Berlin MS, Treatise


Aydınlı, Y. (1991). "İbn Bâcce’nin eserleri". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(3), 203-213.