Effect of scale color on the antioxidant capacity of onions

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The bulb onion (Allium cepa L.) has been cultivated for thousands of years and used as an important component of human diet. Recent studies suggest that onions can be used to cure, reduce, or prevent some of the health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, antidiabetic, asthma, antibiosis, and prebiotic effects due to its high antioxidant effect. In this Study, we determined the antioxidant capacities of a wide range of onion cultivars: nine commercial cultivars and five advance selections differing in color. The variables tested include bulb size, scale color,, total phenolic (TP), total antioxidant activity determined by both "Ferric reducing ability of plasma" (FRAP) and "Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity" (TEAC). We found that yellow onion had the greatest TP content (3.7 mg GAE/g dw); and, the red group had higher TP mean than the white group (2.2 mg GAE/g dw vs. 1.1 mg GAE/g dw). For the antioxidant capacity measurements, the red group had the greatest means by both methods (15.4 mu mol TE/g dw and 9.3 mu mol TE/g dw for TEAC and FRAP). Yellow onions had higher TEAC (14.7 mu mol TE/g dw vs. 8.7 mu mol TE/g dw) and FRAP values (9.8 mu mol TE/g dw vs. 5.6 mu mol TE/g dw) than white onions. Among the cultivars tested great differences of TP, TEAC and FRAP was observed. The TP content of Me-Tan 88 (8.3 mg GAE/g dw) was two times higher than the yellow group. Yellow color Dayton had the greatest TEAC (20.5 mu mol TE/g dw) and FRAP (123 mu mol TE/g dw) means followed by yellow color Me-Tan 88 (19.4 and 11.4 mu mol TE/g dw). The two antioxidant measurements were found to be highly correlated (0.99) where absolute values of FRAP were about 40% less than those of TEAC. The values of TEAC and FRAP were significantly correlated by TP with similar rs (0.74 and 0.73, respectively). TP, TEAC and FRAP were significantly and positively correlated to Soluble solids (0.41, 0.43, and 0.40, respectively). Our results suggested that the red onions had higher antioxidant activities than yellow and white onions although yellow onions had the richest phenolic contents.



Allium cepa, FRAP, Phenolic, Red onion, Scale color, TEAC, White onion, Yellow onion, Genetic- correlation, Spanish onion, Heritability, Health, Flavor, Flavonoids, Extracts, Traits, Solids, Agriculture, Allium atrorubens, Epinephelus aeneus, Epinephelus awoara, Epinephelus morio, Antioxidant, Commercial species, Cultivar, Cultivation, Herb, Phenolic compound, Polymorphism


Gökçe, A. F. vd. (2010). "Effect of scale color on the antioxidant capacity of onions". Scientia Horticulturae, 123(4), 431-435.