2022-01-062022-01-062011-04Özalp, G. R. vd. (2011). "A case of schistosoma reflexum in a cat with chromosomal aberrations". Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 46(2), 373-376.0936-6768https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0531.2010.01649.xhttps://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1439-0531.2010.01649.xhttp://hdl.handle.net/11452/23908A 2-year-old, female Persian cat was presented with a history of distocia. In her first pregnancy, she had whelped four kittens and had eaten all of them right after parturition. She had mated again with the same tomcat. Well-developed foetuses with weak foetal heart beats were observed in the ultrasonographic examination. En block ovariohysterectomy was performed. Three live and mature foetuses were obtained from the uterus; two of them were female foetuses and had no anatomical problem but the third one exhibiting multiple malformations was a male and diagnosed as 'schistosoma reflexum' (SR). The vertebral column deviated markedly to the right (scoliosis) at thoracolumbar region, and the middle lumbar and the sacral vertebrae were directed dorsocranially (lordosis). The entire small intestine, a part of large intestine, stomach, spleen and the right kidney were displayed out of the body, and it seemed that the listed internal organs were protruded from an abdominal cleft associated with the allantoic membrane. Liver, lungs and heart were hypoplastic. The large intestine was seen to have blind end (atresia recti), but anus was normal. Cerebrum and cerebellum were noticed as normal in sizes. Chromosome preparations from lymphocyte cultures of the foetus showed chromosomal aberrations including chromatid and chromosome breaks, exchange figures, non-homologous pairing, whereas no abnormalities were detected in the chromosome preparations from mother's cultures. This is probably the first case of SR in a cat, which was examined in detail from clinical, pathological, radiological and chromosomal angles.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAgricultureReproductive biologyVeterinary sciencesCalfFetusSchistosomaAnimalsCat diseasesCatsChromosome aberrationsFemaleFetal deathFetusLordosisMalePregnancyScoliosisA case of schistosoma reflexum in a cat with chromosomal aberrationsArticle0002883779000272-s2.0-7995257830937337646220546175Agriculture, dairy & animal scienceReproductive biologyVeterinary sciencesAnimalAnimal diseaseArticleCase reportCatCat diseaseChromosome aberrationCongenital malformationFemaleFetusFetus deathLordosisMalePregnancyScoliosis