2021-12-242021-12-241979Yurtkuran, M. vd. (1979). ''Lomber diskopatide diazepam ve meprobomat tedavisinin yeri''. Bursa Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(4), 183-187.http://hdl.handle.net/11452/23597Çalışmada 12 hastalı birinci gruba fizik tedavi ve günde 30 mg diazepam, 10 hastalı ikinci gruba fizik tedaviye ek olarak 400 mg meprobamate, 9 hastalı üçüncü kontrol grubuna fizik tedaviye ek olarak glikoz kaşe verildi. 21 günlük tedavi sonunda grupların birbirlerine karşı değerlendirilmesi yapıldığında birbirlerine göre bir üstünlüğü olmadığı görüldü.In this study we searched {or the effects of muscle relaxing drugs. In the fırst group there were 12 patients and they 'ue got physical therapy and 30 mg/day diazepam, in the second group there were 10 patients and they 'ue got physical therapy and meprobamate 400 mg. In the third group there were 9 patients and they 'ue got physical therapy and glucose tablets. At the end of therapy, we have seen that there are no significant differences between the groups.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessLomberDiskopatideDiazepamMeprobomatTedavisinin yeriLumbarPlace of treatmentLomber diskopatide diazepam ve meprobomat tedavisinin yeriThe role of diazepam and meprobamate in the treatment of lumbar disqopathieArticle18318764