Güleryüz, GürcanKırmızı, SerapArslan, HülyaBayrak, Merve2024-06-272024-06-272021-09-06https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jarmap.2021.100344https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221478612100053Xhttps://hdl.handle.net/11452/42507Hypericum adenotrichum Spach. (Hypericaceae, Clusiaceae) is an endemic species to Turkey, which is one of the commonly used species in pharmacological research. We studied seed germination characteristics. The effects of dry storage (3, 9, 12 month), moist chilling (3, 6, 9, 12 month), scarification (H2SO4, sand paper), tap water, hormone (250, 500, 1000 ppm GA(3)), different temperature (15/10, 20/10 and 25/15 degrees C) and light (photoperiod, darkness) treatments on seed germination of H. adenotrichum seeds collected from subalpine belt of Uludag Mountain were examined. Favourable germination temperature for H. adenotrichum is 20/10 degrees C and no light is required for the seed germination. Seeds of species have physiological dormancy. GA(3) without any other treatment was not successful enough to break the dormancy status alone. Scarification by sulphuric acid and 1000 ppm GA(3) combination is the most effective way for germination of H. adenotrichum seeds. Germination requirements of H. adenotrichum have not been studied previously and the data obtained could be used in the exsitu protection of H. adenotrichum.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessGibberellic-acidGermination characteristicsClassification-systemCold stratificationAbscisic-acidScarificationEcologyLightReleaseGerminationDormancyGa(3)StratificationScarificationHypericum adenotrcihumPlant sciencesEffects of pre-treatments in relation to breaking of dormancy of endemic Hypericum adenotrichum Spach. seedsArticle0006975426000022510.1016/j.jarmap.2021.1003442214-7861