Kureethara, Joseph VargheseAsok, Anjusha2024-09-042024-09-042022-12-012538-2128https://doi.org/10.22049/CCO.2021.27034.1182https://hdl.handle.net/11452/44324Let G = (E(G), V (G)) be a (molecular) graph with vertex set V (G) and edge set E(G). The forgotten Zagreb index and the hyper Zagreb index of G are defined by F(G) = Sigma(u is an element of V) (G) d(u)(3) and HM(G) = Sigma(uv is an element of 2E)(G) (d(u) + d(v))(2) whered(u) and d(v) are the degrees of the vertices u and v in G, respectively. A recent problem called the inverse problem deals with the numerical realizations of topological indices. We see that there exist trees for all even positive integers with F(G) > 88 and with HM(G) > 158. Along with the result, we show that there exist no trees with F(G) < 90 and HM(G) < 160 with some exceptional even positive integers and hence characterize the forgotten Zagreb index and the hyper Zagreb index for trees.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessTopological indexThe forgotten zagreb indexThe hyper zagreb indexScience & technologyPhysical sciencesMathematics, appliedMathematicsInverse problem for the forgotten and the hyper zagreb indices of treesArticle0008170893000062032097210.22049/CCO.2021.27034.1182