İnanç, NevsunÖzen, GülşenYalçınkaya, YaseminKoca, Süleyman SerdarCan, GerçekKarataş, AhmetYazıcı, AytenCefle, AyşeTufan, AbdurrahmanAkar, ServetŞenel, SonerÖz, BurakAkkoç, NurullahÖnen, Fatoş2023-08-242023-08-242017-10İnanç, N. vd. (2017). ''Is there any difference in ra patients for methotrexate use vs. leflunomide use as a concomitant treatment with biological and targeted synthetic dmards in turkbio registry?''. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 69(Supplement 10).2326-52052326-5191 there any difference in ra patients for methotrexate use vs. leflunomide use as a concomitant treatment with biological and targeted synthetic dmards in turkbio registry?Meeting Abstract00041182410054169Supplement 10Rheumatology