Vural Arslan, TülinAbbas, MYAbbas, MY2024-08-052024-08-052015-01-011877-0428 çalışma, 24-26 Şubat 2014 tarihlerinde Berlin[Almanya]’da düzenlenen 5. Annual Asia Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies (AicE-Bs) - Public Participation - Shaping a Sustainable Future Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.In this study it is aimed to discuss the participation models of local retailers' association to local development plans of Bursa Historical Bazaar and Han District for the last fifty years. The district is placed in the city of Bursa which is the fourth biggest city of Turkey in regarding to population. The explanation of the participation models of local retailers' association is constructed on Sherry Arnstein's description about citizen involvement in planning processes titled as "a ladder of participation". In the content of the paper, how Bursa Historical Bazaar and Han District Retailers' Association established by local retailers can provide collective and civic intelligence for the sustainable future of the district and how the association climb the ladder of participation will be discussed.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessParticipationConservationIssuesLadderParticipation ladderRetailers' associaitonCitizen powerHistorical commercial districtScience & technologySocial sciencesLife sciences & biomedicineEnvironmental studiesSocial sciences, interdisciplinaryEnvironmental sciences & ecologySocial sciences - other topicsThe role of local retailers' association in the sustainable development of a historical commercial districtProceedings Paper000361569200010879616810.1016/j.sbspro.2014.10.213