Şahin, A.Metin Mehmet2023-03-282023-03-282003-11Çetin, M. vd. (2003). “Determination of fatty acids and some undesirable fatty acid isomers in selected Turkish margarines”. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 105(11), 683-687.1438-7697https://doi.org/10.1002/ejlt.200300837https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ejlt.200300837http://hdl.handle.net/11452/31815The fatty acid composition and total trans fatty acid content in 10 margarines produced in Turkey were determined by capillary gas chromatography and Fourier transform - infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The fatty acid composition ranged as follows: saturated fatty acids, C16:0 (palmitic) 11.3 to 31.8% and Cl 8:0 (stearic) 5.7 to 8.7%, monounsaturated fatty acids, C18:1 (oleic) 21.8 to 35.7% and C18:1 trans isomers 0.4 to 27.4%, polyunsaturated fatty acid, C18:2 linoleic acid 5.2 to 40.2%. Some positional isomers of C18:1 as cis-11-octadecenoic acid varied from 0.7 to 4.6% and cis-13 trace to 2.4%. The total trans fatty acid contents were between 0.9 and 32.0% when measured with capillary gas chromatography and between 0 and 30.2% with FTIR spectroscopy. Some of the margarines analyzed contained trace amount of trans fatty acids which could not be detected by FT-IR spectroscopy.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessFood science and technologyNutrition and dieteticsTrans fatty acidsMargarinesCapillary gas chromatography (GC)FT-IR spectroscopyTotal trans contentRapid analysisRecent trendsEmphasisOilSpectroscopyDetermination of fatty acids and some undesirable fatty acid isomers in selected Turkish margarinesArticle0001868665000082-s2.0-034621929168368710511Food science and technologyNutrition and dieteticsDiet; Elaidic Acid; Hydrogenated OilsArticleCapillary gas chromatographyInfrared spectroscopyIsomerLipid analysisLipid compositionMeasurementTurkey (republic)Fatty acidLinoleic acidMargarineOleic acidPalmitic acidPolyunsaturated fatty acidSaturated fatty acidStearic acidVaccenic acid