Kurtulmuşoǧlu, Feride BaharKaufmann, Hans RuedigerHarcar, Talha Doğan2023-05-182023-05-182013-03Altıntaş, H. M. vd. (2013). “The development and validation of a consumer cosmopolitanism scale: The polar opposite of xenophobic attitudes”. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 26(1), 137-154.1331-677X1848-9664https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/1331677X.2013.11517594http://hdl.handle.net/11452/32717Consumer cosmopolitanism is defined as world citizenship, open interaction with foreigners and the polar opposite of xenophobic attitudes. Although it is the opposite of consumer ethnocentrism, to date, cosmopolitanism has been primarily perceived as the virtue of not seeing foreigners as a threat, not being hateful towards foreigners, and embracing cultural diversity. Based on this conceptualization, our main objective is to develop and test an alternative pilot scale for consumer cosmopolitanism. Fifteen scale items were developed as a result of a literature review and consultation with academic experts. A survey was administered to 484 people in Turkey. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the scale items were grouped in three factors. To measure the validity of this consumer cosmopolitanism scale, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) indicated that second-order-factor-model was a more rational measurement configuration to determine consumer cosmopolitanism with three factors.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBusiness & economicsConsumer cosmopolitanismXenophobic attitudesGlobal opennessNationalismOrientationPrejudiceForeignThreatImpactTurkeyAttitudinal surveyCitizenshipConsumption behaviorCultural changeFactor analysisGlobalizationLiterature reviewNumerical modelPerceptionPublic attitudeThe development and validation of a consumer cosmopolitanism scale: The polar opposite of xenophobic attitudesArticle0003253022000102-s2.0-84878989731137154261EconomicsConsumer Ethnocentrism; Country of Origin Effects; Community Participation