2021-07-262021-07-262005-12Büyükuysal, R. L. (2005). "Protein S100B release from rat brain slices during and after ischemia: Comparison with lactate dehydrogenase leakage". Neurochemistry International, 47(8), 580-588.0197-0186https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuint.2005.06.009http://hdl.handle.net/11452/21281One hour of ischemia significantly increased protein S100B release from rat brain slices without altering lactate dehydrogenase leakage. Reoxygenation of the ischemic slices, however, increased the levels of these biochemical markers in the medium. Although removal of extracellular Ca+2 ions from the medium did not alter the basal lactate dehydrogenase leakage from cortical slices, an excessive increase in basal protein S100B release was seen under this condition. Ischemia and/or reoxygenation induced enhancements in these markers were attenuated by removal of Ca+2 ions from the medium. Ischemia significantly increased glutamate release, but neither ischernia nor reoxygenation induced rises in protein S100B and lactate dehydrogenase levels were altered by glutamate receptor antagonists. Rising the glutamate levels in the medium by each ouabain or exogenous glutamate, moreover, failed in exerting an ischernia like effect on protein S100B and LDH outputs. In contrast, exogenous glutamate added into the medium protected the slices against reoxygenation induced increments in protein S100B and lactate dehydrogenase levels. These results indicate that protein S100B has a greater sensitivity against ischernia than lactate dehydrogenase in in vitro brain slice preparations. Since neither exogenous glutamate nor enhancements of the extracellular glutamate levels by ouabain had an ischemia like effect, and since glutamate receptor antagonists were also unsuccessful, it seems unlikely that ischemia-induced increase in glutamate release is directly involved in protein S100B release or lactate dehydrogenase leakage determined in the present study.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessProtein S100BLactate dehydrogenase leakageIschemiaAmino-acid releaseOxygenGlucose deprivationMolecular-mechanismsHippocampal slicesGlutamate releaseNA+/CA2+ channelHypoxic injuryGrowth-factorDamageBiochemistry & molecular biologyNeurosciences & neurologyAnimalsBrainBrain ischemiaCalciumDisease modelsAnimalEnergy metabolismEnzyme inhibitorsExcitatory amino acid antagonistsGlutamic acidL-Lactate dehydrogenaseNerve growth factorsNeuronsOrgan culture techniquesOuabainOxygenRats, Sprague-DawleyReceptors, glutamateS100 ProteinsProtein S100B release from rat brain slices during and after ischemia: Comparison with lactate dehydrogenase leakageArticle0002329685000082-s2.0-2644460256258058847816194580Biochemistry & molecular biologyNeurosciencesUbiquitin thiolesterasePhosphopyruvate hydrataseGlial fibrillary acidic proteinAlpha methyl 4 carboxyphenylglycineCalcium ionDizocilpineGlutamate receptor antagonistLactate dehydrogenaseOuabainProtein S100BAnimal tissueBrain cortexBrain ischemiaBrain sliceBrain tissueCulture mediumDrug effectExtracellular fluidProtein secretionRatTissue cultureTissue levelTissue oxygenation