Bazylevych, Maryna Y.2020-01-252020-01-252010Bazylevych, M. Y. (2010). "Prestige concept reconsidered. Hybridity of prestige in post-socialist biomedical profession". International Journal of Social Inquiry, 3(2), 75-99.1307-83641307-9999 article re-considers the applicability of the concept of prestige by focusing on a post-socialist context as the site of particularly rapid social change and renegotiation of social relationships. I argue against the assumption that the biomedical profession in post-socialist societies is not prestigious. My ethnographic data suggest that the search for the economic capital reflects not only desire of physical comfort, but just as importantly, desire for re-negotiated social status in the context where relationships between social classes change. The concept of prestige emerges as a nuanced process rather than static notion, underlying the multiple factors influencing post-socialist physicians’ status.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPrestigeSocial capitalHybridityBiomedical professionPost-socialismPrestige concept reconsidered. Hybridity of prestige in post-socialist biomedical professionArticle759932