Tipi, TolgaGürbüz, İsmail BülentMendel Univ Brno2024-07-302024-07-302015-01-01978-80-7509-379-0https://hdl.handle.net/11452/43522Bu çalışma, 14-19, Eylül 2015 tarihlerinde Madrid[İspanya]’da düzenlenen 10. International Conference on Applied Business Research (ICABR) Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.All people have the right to physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. That means all people have to right being food secure. Unfortunately this is a reality that about 1/7 of the world population are hungry and undernourished and even the food secure nations and individuals have food safety and nutritional problems. The goal for countries is to secure sustained agricultural growth, reduce poverty, and improve food security. Consequently, the average per capita consumption of processed products has increased. Turkish, agro-industrial development is linked to the relative abundance of agricultural raw materials and low-cost labor. Note that, from the point of view of development strategy, one of the most important features of any industry is the degree to which it is able to generate demand for the products of other industries. This phenomenon is known as 'linkage'. An industry may encourage investment both in subsequent stages of production by 'forward linkage' and in earlier stages through 'backward linkage'. The most suitable industries are indeed those that make relatively intensive use of the abundant raw materials and unskilled labour, and have less emphasis on scarce capital and skilled labour. The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of agribusiness in the Turkish economy.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAgricultureAgribusinessFood securitySocial sciencesBusinessBusiness, financeBusiness & economicsOverview of Turkish agribusiness, strategies and policiesProceedings Paper00038958150010310391045