Akgün, MineBecerir, BehçetAlpay, Halil Rıfat2024-08-012024-08-012015-01-011300-3356https://hdl.handle.net/11452/43620This paper focused on the determination of the accurate measurement parameters of surface roughness of woven fabric structures. Surface roughness measurements were conducted on plain, twill and satin fabric samples woven with the same yarns in warp and weft directions with the same yarn densities in sub-groups. Roughness parameter of arithmetic average height (mean height) (Ra) was measured in the directions of warp, weft and diagonal (45o to the crossing axis of warp and weft) on front and back sides of fabric samples. It was concluded that surface roughness properties of woven fabrics changed considerably according to measurement parameters because of the anisotropic structure of fabric surfaces. Additional parameters which enable the characterization of surface roughness could be researched and determined with regard to fabric constructional parameters.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessSurface roughnessRoughness measurement parametersPolyester woven fabricScience & technologyTechnologyMaterials science, textilesMaterials scienceAssessing the effect of measurement parameters on surface roughness values of polyester woven fabric structuresArticle0003591832000106672251