Şeker, AyşeDemirci, HakanAydın, UfukUçar, HakanYıldız, GürselYaman, Özen2023-01-302023-01-302017Şeker, A. vd. (2017). ''Effect of fasting on 24-h blood pressure values of individuals with no previous history of hypertension''. Blood Pressure Monitoring. 22(5), 247-252.1359-5237https://doi.org/10.1097/MBP.00000000000002441473-5725https://journals.lww.com/bpmonitoring/Fulltext/2017/10000/Effect_of_fasting_on_24_h_blood_pressure_values_of.5.aspxhttp://hdl.handle.net/11452/30705Objective We aimed to analyze the difference in 24-h blood pressure values during Ramadan of fasting and nonfasting individuals with no previous history of hypertension. Patients and methods This study was planned as a multicenter research study in the cities of Izmit, Zonguldak, Sivas, and Adana. The percentage changes in the blood pressure of the patients were calculated from their blood pressure measurements at 0 h while they were resting. A Food Frequency Questionnaire was filled out by all participants. Results Forty patients were included in the fasting group and 55 patients were included in the nonfasting group in the study. There was a difference between the two groups in percent changes of systolic measurements performed at the 4th (5% difference and P=0.020), 13th (6% difference and P=0.015), 14th (10% difference and P=0.017), 18th (9% difference and P=0.027), 19th (9% difference and P=0.020), and 20th (6% difference and P=0.014) hours with respect to the baseline measurement at the 0 h. There was a difference between the fasting and nonfasting groups in the Fasting Food Questionnaire results. Meat consumption was significantly higher in the fasting group. Conclusion A systolic blood pressure increase in fasting patients was observed in measurements at 18:00, 19:00, and 20:00 h. We believe that an increase of more than 10% in blood pressure at the time of iftar is an important result of our study in terms of the meal preferences of the individuals under risk.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessCardiovascular system & cardiologyBlood pressureFastingFood frequency questionnaireHolterMeatRamadanChronic kidney-diseaseFood-intakeRamadanHungerAdultsProfileThirstDairyRiskMeatBlood PressureFastingFemaleHumansHypertensionIslamMaleEffect of fasting on 24-h blood pressure values of individuals with no previous history of hypertensionArticle0004099927000012-s2.0-8501337783724725222528225380Peripheral vascular diseaseRamadan; Fasting; SunsetArticleBlood pressure measurementBlood pressure monitoringDiastolic blood pressureDiet restrictionFasting food questionnaireFemaleFood frequency questionnaireFood intakeHumanHypertensionMajor clinical studyMaleMeatMulticenter studyNutritional assessmentPriority journalRestSystolic blood pressureBlood pressureClinical trialHypertensionIslamPhysiology