2022-02-162022-02-162008-04Alkan, T. vd. (2008). "Effects of hypoxic preconditioning in antioxidant enzyme activities in hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in immature rats". Turkish Neurosurgery, 18(2), 165-171.1019-5149http://hdl.handle.net/11452/24506Aim: HI (hypoxic-ischemic) brain injury is a major cause of neonatal mortality and longterm neurological morbidity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of HPC (hypoxic preconditioning) on the oxidative-antioxidative status in the neonatal HI brain model. Material and Methods: Fifty five 7-day-old rats were placed into; Control, HPC, HPC+HI insult, and HI insult groups. HPC, The HPC+HI insult groups were subjected to hypoxia (37°C, 8%O2) and the control group to normoxia for 2.5 hrs. Twenty-four hours later, the rats in the HPC+HI insult and HI insult groups were exposed to cerebral HI produced by unilateral right common carotid artery (CCA) occlusion combined with 90 min hypoxia. Four hours after recovery, the malondialdehyde (MDA) level and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) were determined in the brain tissues of the rats. Results: The findings of the present study suggest increased lipid peroxidation and/or decreased antioxidant activity in the brain of the HI rats. Conclusion: The beneficial effects of HPC might not be related to the alterations in the antioxidative activity.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAntioxidant enzymesHypoxic ischemic brain damageLipid peroxidationNeuroprotectionPreconditioningNeurosciences & NeurologySurgeryNeonatal-ratLipid-peroxidationToleranceNeuroprotectionProtectionMechanismInjuryAnimalsAge factorsAnimals, newbornAntioxidantsBrainCarotid artery, commonDisease models, animalGlutathione peroxidaseHypoxia-ischemia, brainIschemic preconditioningLipid peroxidationMalondialdehydeOxidative stressRatsRats, sprague-dawleySuperoxide dismutaseEffects of hypoxic preconditioning in antioxidant enzyme activities in hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in immature ratsHipoksik ön koşullamanın neonatal hipoksik-iskemik beyin hasarında antioksidan enzim aktivitelerine etkisiArticle0002579451000082-s2.0-5814910738316517118218597231Clinical neurologySurgeryIschemic Preconditioning; Neuroprotection; Brain IschemiaAntioxidantGlutathione peroxidaseMalonaldehydeSuperoxide dismutaseAgeAnimalArticleBrainBrain ischemiaCommon carotid arteryDisease modelEnzymologyIschemic preconditioningLipid peroxidationMetabolismNewbornOxidative stressPathophysiologyPhysiologyRatSprague dawley rat