Bortfeldt, J.Brunbauer, F.David, C.Desforge, D.Fanourakis, G.Gallinaro, M.Garcia, F.Giomataris, IGustavsson, T.Guyot, C.Iguaz, F. J.Kebbiri, M.Kordas, K.Legou, P.Liu, J.Lupberger, M.Manthos, IMueller, H.Niaouris, VOliveri, E.Papaevangelou, T.Paraschou, K.Pomorski, M.Resnati, F.Ropelewski, L.Sampsonidis, D.Schneider, T.Schwemling, P.Scorsone, E.Sohl, L.van Stenis, M.Thuiner, P.Tsipolitis, Y.Tzamarias, S. E.Veenhof, R.Wang, X.White, S.Zhang, Z.Zhou, Y.2024-07-232024-07-232020-04-210168-9002 spatial dependence of the timing performance of the R3809U-50 Micro-Channel-Plate PMT (MCP-PMT) by Hamamatsu was studied in high energy muon beams. Particle position information is provided by a GEM tracker telescope, while timing is measured relative to a second MCP-PMT, identical in construction. In the inner part of the circular active area (radius r<5.5 mm) the time resolution of the two MCP-PMTS combined is better than 10 ps. The signal amplitude decreases in the outer region due to less light reaching the photocathode, resulting in a worse time resolution. The observed radial dependence is in quantitative agreement with a dedicated simulation. With this characterization, the suitability of MCP-PMTS as t(0) reference detectors has been validated.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessResolutionMcp-pmtTime resolutionCherenkov lightBeam testT0-referenceMonte-carlo simulationScience & technologyTechnologyPhysical sciencesInstruments & instrumentationNuclear science & technologyPhysics, nuclearPhysics, particles & fieldsInstruments & instrumentationNuclear science & technologyPhysicsTiming performance of a micro-channel-plate photomultiplier tubeArticle00051852720002196010.1016/j.nima.2020.1635921872-9576