2022-01-142022-01-142011-10Özer, E. T. ve Güçer, S. (2011). "Central composite design for the optimisation of Cd and Pb determination in PVC materials by atomic absorption spectrometry after Kjeldahl digestion". Polymer Testing, 30(7), 773-778.0142-9418https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2011.06.007https://www.infona.pl/resource/bwmeta1.element.elsevier-0c50cec5-d1a4-33e0-9d9a-7374d25fa9e4http://hdl.handle.net/11452/24110A convenient and simple wet acid digestion method was developed for the determination of Cd and Pb concentrations in polyvinyl chloride matrices by atomic absorption spectrometry. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimise the conditions for maximum recovery and to understand the significance and interaction of the factors affecting the recovery of Cd and Pb. The central composite design was employed to evaluate the effects of nitric acid volume (2.6-9.4 mL), sulphuric acid volume (0.6-7.4 mL) and certified reference material (CRM) amount (0.1-0.5 g) on the metal recoveries (60 min, 200 degrees C and 20 min, 250 degrees C). The accuracy was also evaluated using the polyvinyl chloride reference material Fluxana FLX-PVC2. The apparent recoveries of the elements relative to the certified values ranged from 0.94 (Cd) to 0.92 (Pb). The method's detection limits were found to be 1.6 and 6.4 mg kg(-1) for Cd and Pb, respectively.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMaterials sciencePolymer sciencePVCKjeldahl digestionPbCdCentral composite designPlasma-mass-spectrometryPlastic materialsTrace-elementsPackaging materialsHeavy-metalsSamplesCadmiumAbsorptionAbsorption spectroscopyAtomic absorption spectrometryChlorine compoundsDesignMetal recoveryNitric acidPolyvinyl chloridesSulfuric acidApparent recoveryCdCentral composite designCentral composite designsCertified reference materialsCertified valuesDetection limitsKjeldahl digestionOptimisationsPb concentrationReference materialResponse Surface MethodologyWet acid digestionLeadCentral composite design for the optimisation of Cd and Pb determination in PVC materials by atomic absorption spectrometry after Kjeldahl digestionArticle0002952442000132-s2.0-79960894501773778307Materials science, characterization & testingPolymer scienceIsotope Dilution Technique; Cadmium-111; Interlaboratory Comparison