2022-03-072022-03-072009-09Gezen, Ş. Ş. vd. (2009). "The effect of clinoptilolite in low calcium diets on performance and eggshell quality parameters of aged hens". Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 22(9), 1296-1302.1011-2367https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2009.80671https://www.animbiosci.org/journal/view.php?doi=10.5713/ajas.2009.80671http://hdl.handle.net/11452/24878Ninety six beak-trimmed 72 week-old Lohmann Brown hens were randomly divided into four equal groups. Each group comprised 4 replicates. Isoenergetic and isonitrogenous experimental diets contained low calcium (3.5%); optimum calcium (4.2%); low Ca (3.5% Ca)+1% Clinoptilolite (CLP); low Ca (3.5% Ca)+2% CLP. Data were collected biweekly and the experiment lasted 6 weeks. Egg production, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, egg weight, tibia Ca, P, ash and eggshell thickness were not affected by addition of CLP to the diets (p>0.05). There were no significant differences in egg shell strength and ash when data were analyzed individually in measurement periods (74th, 76th and 78th weeks). However, according to pooled data (74th-78th weeks), eggshell strength was increased (p<0.05) only by 2% CLP supplementation versus low Ca (3.5%) diet, and shell ash was significantly increased by 2% CLP supplementation compared with the other diets. The damaged egg ratio on 1% and 2% CLP diets was significantly decreased between 76-78 weeks’ data when compared with the low Ca diet. However; damaged egg ratio on the 2% CLP diet was significantly decreased when pooled data (74-78) were compared with no CLP diets. The differences in marketable egg ratio paralleled damaged egg ratio. The plasma calcium level at the end of experiment was increased on the 2% CLP diet when compared with the low Ca (3.5%) diet (p<0.05). Furthermore, at the end of the experiment a marked decrease of manure moisture was observed on both CLP diets (p<0.01). In conclusion, Clinoptilolite (2%) supplementation to layer diets tends to improve eggshell quality and manure dry matter (1% and 2% CLP) after six weeks.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAluminosilicateClinoptiloliteEggshell qualityLaying henManure dry matterTibiaAcid-base-balanceSodium zeolite-aLaying hensCommercial leghornsShell quality3 strainsAluminosilicateSiliconChlorideChicksAgricultureThe effect of clinoptilolite in low calcium diets on performance and eggshell quality parameters of aged hensArticle0002696517000092-s2.0-7294909952712961302229Agriculture, dairy & animal scienceDiet; Broiler Chickens; Mycotoxins