Adıgüzel, EmreKesikburun, SerdarYaşar, EvrenTaşkaynatan, Mehmet Ali2024-02-062024-02-062013-04-24Adıgüzel, E. vd. (2014). "Major perirectal hematoma complicating sacroiliac joint injection". Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 22(1), 99-101.1058-2452 Sacroiliac joint injection is both a way of confirming sacroiliac joint pain and a therapeutic method. Findings: A 40-year-old woman was presumptively diagnosed as having sacroiliac joint dysfunction and we performed a fluoroscopically guided sacroiliac joint injection. Many hours after the procedure, the patient developed severe buttock pain spreading to the posterior aspect of the femur on the left side. A pelvic magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 9 x 4 x 5.5 cm sized hematoma extending from the left obturator to the perirectal region. Conclusions: Because of anatomical variations, the practitioner should be alert to the risk of damaging vascular structures when performing therapeutic injections.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessComplicationSacroiliac injectionPerirectal hematomaRehabilitationRheumatologyMajor perirectal hematoma complicating sacroiliac joint injectionArticle0003332331000142-s2.0-8489669643799101221 Joint; Arthralgia; Low Back PainAdultAnalgesiaAnatomical variationArticleButtockCase reportConservative treatmentDefecation disorderDisease severityFemaleFluoroscopyHematomaHumanImmobilizationInfectious arthritisLow back painMedical device complicationMicturition disorderPelvisPhysical examinationRisk assessmentSacroiliac jointSpinal needleUrinary catheter