2021-12-092021-12-092006-04Gültekin, A. H. vd. (2006). ''Determination of full energy peak efficiency of HpGe detector from 59.5 to 1332.5 keV''. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 44(4), 281-286.0019-55960975-1041http://hdl.handle.net/11452/23100To detect very low radio activities in the environmental samples, it is sometimes necessary to know the full energy peak efficiency of the detector. This work proposes a full energy peak efficiency simulation which represents adequately the high purity germanium coaxial detector responses in the energy range 59.5-1332.5 keV and at distances of 5, 10 and 25 cm.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessPhysicsMonte Carlo simulationHpGe detectorEfficiencyCalibrationSamplesSimulationGamma-rayCoincidence correctionsMonte-carlo methodIncluding self-absorptionDetermination of full energy peak efficiency of HpGe detector from 59.5 to 1332.5 keVArticle0002373304000012-s2.0-33749159858281286444Physics, multidisciplinaryGamma Spectrometry; Radiation Detectors; Thallium-Doped Sodium Iodide