Kumar, AshkokBisht, Balwant SinghJoshi, Vishnu Dutt2021-03-082021-03-082010Kumar, A. vd. (2010). "Chemical report of sediments, phytoplanktons and fishes of bindal river dehradun". Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 4(11), 53-58.1307-95301308-2019https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/497772http://hdl.handle.net/11452/17216Industrialization and urbanization is the major concern of metal pollution. The use of various types of pesticides and insecticides in agriculture cause water pollution. The pathogenic organisms of these wastes transmit to the water and pose serious problems. Analysis of water, sediments, phytoplanktons and fishes that the Bindal River is contaminated by certain heavy metals was done by ICP-MS method. Concentrations of all elements and ions increase in the downstream. Heavy metal concentration observed in water Mn > Zn > Mg >Cu > Ni > Cr > As > Pb > Co, in the sediments Mn > Cr > Ni >Cu > Co> Zn > Pb, in phytoplanktons Co > Zn > Pb > Mn > Cr and in fishes Cr > Mn > Cu > Ni > Co > Pb > Zn. Metal concentrations in the river indicate an increase in the pollution load due to movement of fertilizers, agricultural ashes, industrial effluents and anthropogenic wastes. An immediate attention from the concerned authorities is required in order to protect the river from further pollution. In general the heavy metal concentration in Bindal River was found maximum in sediments, phytoplanktons and fishes.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNatural elementsICP-MSPhytoplanktonSedimentsFishesBindal RiverChemical report of sediments, phytoplanktons and fishes of bindal river dehradunArticle5358411