Rabiu, SafianuManga, Bala ZayyanuManga, Bala Nura2024-05-092024-05-092021-08-18Rabiu, S. vd. (2021). "Foliar concentrations of some crops grown in Kano, Nigeria". Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 15(43), 21-25.1307-95301308-2019http://uludag.edu.tr/jbes/konu/view?id=8252https://uludag.edu.tr/dosyalar/jbes/43/mak03.pdfhttps://hdl.handle.net/11452/41410This research paper looked into the foliar concentrations of different crops at the developmental stages of the crops growth. This work was aimed to determine and compare plant foliar nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) concentrations. Total foliar nitrogen (N) was determined by Micro-Kjeldal digestion method, total foliar phosphorus (P) was determined colorimetrically by Vanado-Molybdate methodand total foliar potassium (K) was determined by Flame Photometery. Interaction between sites and foliar nutrients for Groundnut (F2, 0.05; P =0.000, F4, 0.05; P = 0.010) were significant, Cowpea significant between sites and foliar nutrients (F4, 0.05; P = 0.000), and significant (F4, 0.05; P= 0.015) for Sorghum as well, millet was insignificant between sites and foliar nutrients (F2, 0.05; P = 0.251, F4, 0.05; P = 0.193), . There were abundance of foliar nutrients across the sites and high correlation between foliar nutrients, growth phases and some soil properties.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessLeavesNitrogenPhosphorusPotassiumDevelopment stagesFoliar concentrations of some crops grown in Kano, NigeriaArticle21251543