Ezeonu, Ifeanyi2020-01-222020-01-222008Ezeonu, I. (2008). "Crimes of globalization: Health care, HIV and the poverty of neoliberalism in Sub-Saharan Africa". International Journal of Social Inquiry, 1(2), 113-134.1307-83641307-9999https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/165086http://hdl.handle.net/11452/6644This paper contributes to the growing body of literature on crimes of globalization. Following a broader conceptualization of crime which goes beyond the proscriptions of the criminal law, it argues that the dynamics of market economics has criminogenic (social harm) effects, especially in economically-challenged regions like the sub-Saharan Africa. The paper challenges the hegemony of law in the criminalization process by locating social harm at the epicentre of criminological inquiry.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCrimes of globalizationNeoliberalismHeterodox criminologySocial harmSub-Saharan AfricaCrimes of globalization: Health care, HIV and the poverty of neoliberalism in Sub-Saharan AfricaArticle11313412