Güçlü, GörkemGünaydın, TalhaÜnsal, CanOlcay, Ali BahadırBilgin, CemHakyemez, Bahattin2024-05-302024-05-302019-01-01978-1-7281-2420-9https://doi.org/10.1109/tiptekno.2019.8894954https://hdl.handle.net/11452/41551https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8894954Blood flow behavior inside an aneurysm is a complex three-dimensional fluid mechanics problem and clarity on this subject can improve or enhance the effectiveness of the treatment. In this study, the fluid flow properties such as velocity, viscosity, wall shear, and pressure are examined by using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique. The patient's angiographic images are provided by the Radiology Department of Uludag University Medical School. These images are converted into a three-dimensional solid model; then, this model is used as a fluid domain in CFD. The blood flow is defined as non-Newtonian, laminar and parabolic pulsatile with two different maximum velocities so that the difference in velocity can be evaluated. The findings are presented in charts for each fluid flow parameter (e.g., velocity, viscosity, wall shear, pressure).enWall shear-stressAneurysm sacInternal carotid arteryComputational fluid dynamicsScience & technologyTechnologyEngineering, biomedicalEngineeringInvestigation of blood flow behavior in an aneurysm sac using computational fluid dynamicsProceedings Paper000516830900015555710.1109/tiptekno.2019.8894954