2023-02-082023-02-082017-04-12Demirci, M. (2017). ''On the diophantine equation x2 + 5a · pb = yn''. Filomat, 31(16), 5263-5269.0354-5180https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL1716263Dhttp://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/Article.aspx?ID=0354-51801716263D#.Y-CQm3ZByM8http://hdl.handle.net/11452/30911In this paper, all the solutions of the Diophantine equations x2 + 5a · pb = yn (for p = 29, 41) are given for nonnegative integers a, b, x, y, n ≥ 3 with x and y coprime. © 2017, University of Nis. All rights reserved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessMathematicsExponential diophantine equationsPrimitive divisors of lehmer sequencesOn the diophantine equation x2 + 5a. pb = ynArticle0004179706000202-s2.0-85040525643526352693116Mathematics, appliedMathematicsDiophantine Equation; Number; Linear Forms in Logarithms