Baykal, DuyguYılmazlar, SelçukFedakar, Recep2024-06-272024-06-272021-01-051447-6959 chiasmal and subchiasmal surfaces are of critical importance in connection with the performance of surgical procedures owing to the critical blood supply to these areas. Recently, the perforating arteries providing the blood to the optic nerves and chiasm have gained attention as they significantly affect the morbidity from surgical approaches. Intraoperative preservation of these perforating arteries is considered critical to prevent further visual loss. Thirty autopsy specimens, including the optic apparatus, were examined for their perforating arteries feeding the optic chiasm and optic nerves. The optic nerves and chiasmal surfaces were divided into four zones based on the presence and numbers of perforating arteries as anterior superior-posterior superior surfaces and anterior inferior-posterior inferior surfaces. The superior surface of the optic chiasm was supplied by the A1 segments of the bilateral anterior cerebral arteries and by the perforating arteries originating from the anterior communicating artery. On the other hand, the inferior surface of the optic chiasm was fed by the bilateral posterior communicating arteries and by the supraclinoidal segments of the bilateral carotid arteries. We demonstrated the anatomical involvement of a large number of nourishing arteries in feeding the optic apparatus related to the perforating arteries by classifying them into zones based on the surgical approaches, which has been rarely reported in the literature.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessTranscranial resectionPituitary-adenomasOptic chiasmaSurgeryGlandBlood supplyCadaveric neuroanatomyOptic chiasmOptic nerveScience & technologyLife sciences & biomedicineAnatomy & morphologyA neurosurgical assessment of the blood supply in the optochiasmatic system: A cadaveric-anatomic studyArticle00060510740000129430096210.1007/s12565-020-00595-31447-073X