Güneş, AygülDurmuş, Yavuz2023-10-092023-10-092020-09-01Sığırlı,D. vd. (2020). "Statistical shape analysis of corpus callosum in restless leg syndrome". Neurological Research, 42(9), 760-766.0161-64121743-1328https://doi.org/10.1080/01616412.2020.1773631https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01616412.2020.1773631http://hdl.handle.net/11452/34255Objectives In this study we aimed to investigate corpus callosum shape differences between restless leg syndrome patients and healthy controls, and to determine whether disease severity and duration are indicators for corpus callosum deformation in RLS patients. Methods This study was conducted using the magnetic resonance imaging scans of 33 restless leg syndrome patients and 33 control subjects. Landmarks were marked on the digital images and callosal landmark coordinate data were used to assess shape difference by performing Generalized Procrustes analysis. The shape deformation from controls to the patients was evaluated performing the Thin Plate Spline approach. Results There was a statistically significant shape difference between the groups. Highest deformation was determined at the posterior midbody of the corpus callosum. Growth curve analyses showed that with the increase in disease duration and severity, the CC size decreased. Discussion The present study demonstrated callosal shape differences in restless leg syndrome using a landmark-based geometric morphometric approach, considering the topographic distribution of corpus callosum for the first time.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessStatistical shape analysisCorpus callosumMagnetic resonance imagingSomatosensory cortexRestless leg syndromeTopographyMatter alterationsPostmortemNeurosciences & neurologyAdolescentAdultAgedCorpus callosumFemaleHumansImage processingComputer-assistedMagnetic resonance imagingMaleMiddle agedRestless legs syndromeYoung adultStatistical shape analysis of corpus callosum in restless leg syndromeArticle0005428953000012-s2.0-8508683431776076642932496941Clinical neurologyNeurosciencesRestless legs syndrome; Nocturnal myoclonus syndrome; SleepAdultAgedAllometryAnthropometryArticleControlled studyCorpus callosumDisease durationDisease severityFemaleGray matterHeadacheHumanMajor clinical studyMaleMiddle agedMigraineMorphometryNuclear magnetic resonance imagingRestless legs syndromeSleep disorderAdolescentDiagnostic imagingImage processingPathologyYoung adult